• 艺人:Witchfynde   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Mausoleum Records
  • 发行时间:1984-01-01
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Lords of Sin专辑介绍

by Ed Rivadavia

Unable to take a hint from the diminishing returns of their fast-dwindling career fortunes, Nottinghamshire's Witchfynde attempted one last go of it with 1984's Lords of Sin. But the band's fourth album only extrapolated all the ills that had hampered their previous outing, the exceedingly average Cloak and Dagger, and no amount of devil-bating behavior could disguise the band's sheer lack of inspiration on songs like "Blue Devils," "Wall of Death," and..."Red Garters" . All but the semimemorable would-be-single "Scarlet Lady" felt like desperately outdated, utterly disposable New Wave of British Heavy Metal retreads, and none could save Witchfynde from inevitable extinction this time around.