Rebel Heart专辑介绍
★瑞典电音闪亮星Avicii、嘻哈天才Kanye West、粉红妖姬Nicki Minaj、葛莱美奖製作人DJ Diplo、共和世代 Ryan Tedder共同打造
★首支单曲"Living For Love"强势登上iTunes 32国冠军

出道以来不断的衝击社会体制,让流行时尚不断进化,玛丹娜成为主宰流行乐坛的唯一女皇,在2012年称霸全球35国排行榜冠军专辑『MDNA』与票房衝破3亿美金的世界巡迴演唱会之后,流行女皇玛丹娜以2015年大碟【Rebel Heart】再度掀起全新流行风暴,专辑预购在美国、加拿大、法国、义大利、西班牙等全球超过40国的iTunes专辑榜登上冠军!
2013年9月,玛丹娜推出她与担任「Confessions On A Dance Floor」专辑内页照片跟「Confessions Tour」演唱会短片拍摄的纽约摄影师Steven Klein合作执导的17分钟短片「Secretprojectrevolution」,伴随这部传递艺术自由与人权的短片的推出,玛丹娜与VICE杂志联手推动全球性的「Art for Freedom」运动,而【Rebel Heart】专辑名称则是这项运动的延伸。玛丹娜接受告示牌杂志访问时表示,专辑两个单字Rebel与Heart触及了她的两个面相,一个是造反与叛逆的一面,一个是浪漫的一面,玛丹娜觉得时下并不鼓励歌手做出反叛、冒险的举动,或是大声说出想说的话,她要让世人知道这个真相,不过,她也知道在反叛个性中拥有爱的重要性,于是才决定将这两个字合併成专辑名称。
专辑【Rebel Heart】由玛丹娜与乐界顶尖音乐人共同製作与创作,包括:2011-2014年名列全球百大DJ名单前10名、以"Wake Me Up"席卷全球的瑞典电音巨星Avicii;参与创作Beyoncé畅销曲"Run The World (Girls)"的葛莱美奖DJ Diplo;谱写过Miley Cyrus冠军曲"Wrecking Ball"的创作歌手MoZella;OneRepublic共和世代灵魂人物Ryan Tedder;嘻哈歌手Kendrick Lamar畅销曲"Money Trees"製作人DJ Dahi;Shakira舞曲榜冠军曲"Dare (La La La)"的加拿大製作人Billboard;Kylie Minogue英国亚军专辑「Kiss Me Once」的葛莱美奖製作人Ariel Rechtshaid;2014年与日本流行女歌手卡莉怪钮合作的伦敦製作人Sophie…等,可谓是钻石级的製作团队。
玛丹娜在2015年葛莱美颁奖典礼上献唱专辑首支单曲"Living For Love",斗牛士主题的编舞,福音唱诗班与浩室/电子舞曲节奏的结合将表演带入高潮,成为当天典礼最热话题;这首邀请葛莱美奖灵魂女伶Alicia Keys担任钢琴伴奏,描述分手后仍对爱情抱持乐观与希望的单曲成功拿下32国iTunes冠军。专辑未发行先轰动,已有8首歌分别登上iTunes美国及各国单曲排行TOP 10,包括:引述圣女贞德的故事,描写经由隐喻式战争争取力量的"Joan Of Arc"(#1 /31国冠军);融入拳王Mike Tyson口述人生故事的"Iconic"(#2 /33国冠军);"Hold Tight"(#3 /28国冠军);"Living For Love"(#6 /32国冠军);嘻哈麻辣姬Nicki Minaj助阵的"Bitch I'm Madonna"(#6 /17国冠军);描述人类在末世浩劫中寻找希望的抒情曲"Ghosttown"(#8 /12国冠军);流露牙买加ska音乐风情的"Unapologetic Bitch"(#9/ 7国冠军);描述吸毒者对吸毒可以达到更高精神层次的错觉的"Devil Pray"(#9/ 15国冠军)等。辑中的另一首焦点作品是由嘻哈天才Kanye West操刀製作,描述当代名人、企业家、政治人物与宗教领袖想控制世界的警世之歌"Illuminati"(5国冠军)。
Queen of Pop, the one and only Madonna is back to destroy again the pop world with her awaited come back to the music scene. She dropped the pre-order of her highly-anticipated thirteenth studio album “Rebel Heart” without warning on iTunes at midnight December 20th, making a pseudo-Beyoncé. Why? Because bitch, she’s Madonna!The album will be released on digital retailers on March 10, 2015 via Boy Toy Inc. and Live Nation. The singer started the hype this year with her “Unapologetic Bitch” campaign on Instagram, and after the #madonnagate leak of 13 “unfinished demos“, she and her record label decided to advance the pre-order of the album releasing 6 new songs including final versions of 5 previously-leaked tracks and one new unleaked song called “Ghosttown“.
According Billboard, this is Madonna’s most amibitious project in over a decade. The first single is the track “Living for Love“, written by Madonna with Diplo, MoZella, Ariel Rechtstaid, Toby Gad and Nick Rowe, including background vocals by London Gospel Community Choir and Alicia Keys on the piano. The deephouse influenced theme is highly-inspired by Kiesza’s smash “Hideaway”
On July 1st, Madonna hinted another new track called “Messiah” on her Instagram account. British tabloid The Sun, confirmed the name of two new tracks “Heartbreak City” and “Two Steps Behind“, both produced by Swedish deejay Avicii.
Another producers/songwriters involved in the album are Natalia Kills, Toby Gad, Mozella, S1, DJ Dahi, Blood Diamonds and Ryan Tedder of OneRepublic. In an interview with The Mirror, Tedder described the upcoming work as “her best stuff in over a decade – it’s really strong“. That’s some pretty high praise, considering her back catalog! “The tracks I’ve done with her are really hard to explain“.