Halo Of Blood专辑介绍
▲邀请Annihilator(歼灭者乐团)的吉他手Jeff Waters客串"Halo Of Blood",让死亡金属和鞭笞金属的交替下展现出COB的招牌作风。
这支由Alexi Laiho (主唱 / 主奏吉他)领军,带领Roope Latvala (节奏吉他)、Janne Warman (键盘手)、Henkka Sepp?l? ( 贝斯手)、Jaska Raatikainen ( 鼓手)等好手们所组成,以Death Metal为主要元素结构,融合了新古典的优美旋律并夹杂着Thrash Metal的强力冲击感将Meldic Death Metal推往了另一个新意境 。
这支由Alexi Laiho (主唱 / 主奏吉他)领军,带领Roope Latvala (节奏吉他)、Janne Warman (键盘手)、Henkka Sepp?l? ( 贝斯手)、Jaska Raatikainen ( 鼓手)等好手们所组成,以Death Metal为主要元素结构,融合了新古典的优美旋律并夹杂着Thrash Metal的强力冲击感将Meldic Death Metal推往了另一个新意境 。
如果你认为"Are You Dead Yet"、"Blooddrunk"、"Was It Worth It?"已经让你深深感受到Children Of Bodom(以下简称COB)的火力了,那你绝对不能错过在累积七张专辑後,COB所带来全新专辑?Halo of Blood?!
这张专辑邀请了Annihilator(歼灭者乐团)的吉他手Jeff Waters客串"Halo Of Blood",在急凑并压迫的旋律中紧接着如钢铁般的吉他音墙下,让旋律优美的吉他和贝斯、键盘巧妙结合,让死亡金属和鞭笞金属的交替下展现出COB的招牌作风。"Scream For Silence"华丽的键盘搭配诙谐的吉他旋律与Alexi的嘶吼咆啸,在转折之中,吉他Solo与键盘的劲飙彷佛进入了另一段的旋律乐章。"Transference "不改以往强烈的直线加速感,以幽暗的旋律和充满力道的吉他音墙配上扎实的双踏轰击,不时用键盘点缀并凸显了整首歌强烈的氛围,尤其是Janne Warman以高速华丽的键盘Solo,显现出雄厚的键盘威力,在不寒而栗的氛围下却又可以体验到COB的迷人之处。
"Bodom Blue Moon"犹如先前08年的"Blooddrunk"有着急凑且丰富的的高速伴奏,如夜幕降临般的Neo-Classcial钢琴旋律交织着强烈的吉他伴奏,在吉他强力鞭打之下与贝斯厚重的振响下,带出有如死神狂啸过後的无情摧残。"Dead Man`s Hand On You"以中慢板且凄美的钢琴旋律加上Alexi以低沉的嗓音朗诵,伴随而来的壮丽且忧愁的旋律诉说着对於这世界的无奈感...。"Damage Beyond Repair"大量的采用双大鼓连击与拆点变化,以黑暗且略带侵略性的旋律线条展将死亡金属的紧密融合,紧凑的速度感下有如死神正挥舞着镰刀正宣告着死亡的的濒临。"One Bottle And A Knee Deep"强烈的鞭击感搭配上Jaska Raatikainen猛暴的双大鼓喷发交替,速度感将直接挑战你所有的感官。
Halo of Blood整张专辑除了保有COB如钢铁般的吉他音墙和炫丽的键盘外,Alexi更大胆的突破,首次尝试新的曲风,由此可以见COB在经历过多年後的洗礼并随着时代的变化,将死神又推往另一个境界。准备好接受死神之子的镰刀挥舞了吗?(by 暴唳之眼 阿赖)
CHILDREN OF BODOM have set Halo of Blood as the title of their eagerly anticipated eighth studio album, set for a June 06 European release, and a June 11 North American release via Nuclear Blast Records. Today, CHILDREN OF BODOM unveils Halo of Blood's cover art, created by artist Sami Saramäki, known for his work on the classic COB records Follow the Reaper, Are You Dead Yet? and Hate Crew Deathroll.
The band's bass player Henkka Blacksmith comments, "We wanted to have a winter scene. Somehow it fits well with the atmosphere of the music and the composing session. It could be Lake Bodom actually, frozen, with people trapped under the ice. Very Finnish looking scene.
We were really happy how Sami created the whole imagery!"
CHILDREN OF BODOM recorded Halo of Blood in Finland's Danger Johnny Studios (located at a top secret, undisclosed location in Helsinki) with recording engineer Mikko Karmila, who worked with the band on their earlier albums Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper and Hate Crew Deathroll and producer Peter Tägtgren (Marduk, Amon Amarth) who oversaw production of vocals on the record. The album will be mixed at Finnvox Studios.
CHILDREN OF BODOM frontman Alexi Laiho comments, "Halo Of Blood is the eighth studio album from Children of Bodom. Musically, we've kept it fresh and new while still maintaining the elements that make COB's sound so recognizable. This new album has both the fastest and the slowest songs we've ever made and lyrically, there are themes we've never touched on before. Prepare yourselves for ten tracks of pure Nordic metal!"
Halo Of Blood专辑歌曲
- disc 1
- disc 1