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首支单曲"Hold My Hand"由迈克尔与嘻哈歌手阿肯真情合唱,引爆YouTube超过320万收听狂潮
特邀嘻哈天王五角与葛莱美奖最佳摇滚歌手Lenny Kravitz共襄盛举
年度大碟《Michael》收藏了迈克尔・杰克逊在2007年到2009年过世前这段期间的歌曲,从流行抒情,动感舞曲,节奏蓝调,灵魂乐,饶舌嘻哈到黑人时尚摇摆乐,曲风多元,应有尽有。专辑中的首支单曲"Hold My Hand"是迈克尔与节奏蓝调/嘻哈全才歌手阿肯(Akon)在2007年携手合作的至情之歌,美国MTV音乐频道盛赞:「这是迈克尔・杰克逊的经典情歌,呼吁世人和谐相处的感人之作。」曾经掌舵制作迈克尔・杰克逊1991年专辑《Dangerous》的当代节奏蓝调与嘻哈界制作大将Teddy Riley负责了等三首歌曲的制作,包括:邀请葛莱美奖最佳饶舌歌手五角(50 Cent)斗阵,嘲讽成名代价的动感嘻哈靓作"Monster",迈克尔以幽默态度笑看八卦狗仔丑陋心态的警世劲歌"Breaking News",闪动黑人摇摆舞曲节奏动感风采的街头派对劲作"Hollywood Tonight"。迈克尔与制作过碧昂丝(Beyonce)冠军曲"Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"的当红制作人C. ’Tricky’ Stewart携手打造鼓舞世人以积极态度面对困境的励志之歌"Keep Your Head Up"。迈克尔在与葛莱美奖最佳摇滚男歌手得主蓝尼克罗维兹(Lenny Kravitz)联手合作的感伤作品"(I Can’t Make It) Another Day"中重现了出神入化的假音演唱技巧。
迈克尔・杰克逊的全球唱片销售估计超过七亿五千万张,生涯创造十三首全美热门单曲榜冠军曲,两度入列美国摇滚名人殿堂,金氏世界纪录认证肯定迈克尔・杰克逊是史上最成功的娱乐界艺人,他的《Thriller》专辑以七千万张的销售数字认证为史上最畅销的专辑,来自《Thriller》这张专辑的"Billie Jean"、"Beat It"等7首单曲的全球累积销售超过一亿张。迈克尔・杰克逊生平荣获十三座葛莱美奖,同时获得全美音乐奖颁发世纪艺人奖。
《Michael》的专辑封面来自于荣获艺术奖肯定的非裔美籍的插画艺术家卡迪尔尼尔森(Kadir Nelson)在2009年为迈克尔・杰克逊所绘制的油画作品,卡迪尔在这幅油画作品中流露出他经由艺术创作述说画作中的人物故事的功力,体现了迈克尔・杰克逊一生中最关键的时刻与不同时期的造型。
1. Hold My Hand (Duet with Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight 好莱坞追星梦
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
5. Monster (Featuring 50 Cent)
6. Best Of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can’t Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind The Mask
迈克尔・杰克逊改编日本电子音乐名匠坂本龙一1979年Yellow Magic Orchestra乐团时期名曲的摇滚劲歌
10. Much Too Soon
Michael is a posthumous compilation album of previously unreleased tracks by American recording artist Michael Jackson. It was released on December 10, 2010 by Epic Records and Sony Music Entertainment. Michael was the first release of all new Michael Jackson material in nine years since Invincible in 2001. Production of the album was handled by several producers such as Michael Jackson, Teddy Riley, Theron "Neff-U" Feemster, C. "Tricky" Stewart, Eddie Cascio, among others and features guest performances by Akon, 50 Cent and Lenny Kravitz. Michael is the seventh Jackson album to be released by Sony and Motown/Universal since Michael Jackson's death in June 2009.
The album produced four singles: "Hold My Hand", released on November 15, 2010, which reached number 39 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, "Hollywood Tonight", released on February 11, 2011, and "Behind the Mask" released on February 21, 2011. The music video for "Hold My Hand" was directed by Mark Pellington, and had its worldwide debut on December 9, 2010. The music video for "Hollywood Tonight" was directed by Wayne Isham, who also directed the video for Michael Jackson's "You Are Not Alone" in 1995 at one of the very same locations where he filmed it—the Pantages Theatre near the famed corner of Hollywood and Vine. The video had its worldwide debut on March 10, 2011. " (I Like) The Way You Love Me" released in Korea as a digital single on January 18, 2011, and released in Italian and Chinese radio stations in July 2011.
On Friday, December 10, 2010, a 29,070-square-foot (2,701 m2) poster depicting the Michael album artwork was erected at the Rectory Farm in Middlesex, England, which broke a Guinness World Record for the largest poster in the world.
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
As the first excavation of Michael Jackson’s vaults, Michael carries the weight of expectation it cannot possibly bear to support. After Jackson split with Quincy Jones following 1987’s Bad, he had a revolving door on his studio, letting in all major producers for a track or three, sometimes selecting these songs for a finished album, sometimes not. Michael rounds up ten of these leftovers, relying heavily on cuts he was tinkering with in the years after Invincible, but apart from cameos by Akon and 50 Cent, there’s precious little here that sounds modern. Perhaps it’s the heavy presence of Teddy Riley, but much of this recalls the cacophonic clutter of Dangerous, heavy on rhythms but not melody, so desperate for relevance that every overdub is overworked. Tellingly, the exceptions to the rule are the oldest tunes here -- “Behind the Mask” and “Much Too Soon,” both dating back to Thriller, and “ (I Like) The Way You Love Me,” an outtake first aired on the 2004 box The Ultimate Collection and reworked somewhat extensively here. Much of this has likely been tweaked extensively to prep it for release, but it’s impossible to discern exactly what overdubs were added after Jackson’s death, particularly because this so heavily recalls his last decade of released records, right down to the recurring theme of MJ’s persecution, which sounds quite bizarre in the wake of his passing. That and Akon’s self-aggrandizing salvo to the opening “Hold My Hand” are the only ghoulish touches here: Michael is often tacky but considering how garish Jackson’s taste could be, it winds up seeming almost respectful. At the very least, the album doesn’t tarnish his legacy, although it adds nothing to it either.
- disc 1