Under The Radar专辑介绍
.走出阅读障碍、克服临台怯场、赶走全球坏天气,以数位单曲「Bad Day」打破销售纪录
.音乐传奇人物琳达派瑞(Linda Perry)担任制作人,打造“传记式”的第二张专辑
.收录福特汽车New Mondeo广告曲「Whole World Around」,已荣获KKBOX、ezPeer+双料单曲榜冠军!
丹尼尔,一个有着洋溢才华以及率真性格的创作型艺人,出生于加拿大弗农(Vernon)市,四岁便开始学习小提琴,十三岁开始埋首在钢琴里,似乎预告着他注定要走向音乐之路。这位大家所熟知的城市琴人,从小就有阅读障碍、临台怯场的困难,然而他却以惊人的绝对音感以及音乐感受力,将危机化为转机,在2005以一首「Bad Day」,让全世界藉由音乐认识他。2006年春季,「Bad Day」被热门歌唱比赛节目《美国偶像 (American Idol)》选为激励决赛被淘汰者的歌曲,丹尼尔更在该节目中现场演唱。挟着高收视,使得「Bad Day」在美国数位音乐下载量大破250万次,也顺利让「Bad Day」在当年成为美国有史以来最畅销的数位单曲。首张全球发行的同名专辑,就这样挟着高人气的「Bad Day」,以及接连发行的三张出色单曲「Free Loop」、「Jimmy Gets High」、「Lie to Me」的推波助澜下,创下逾270万张销量的耀眼成绩。不仅销售开出红盘,丹尼尔更在2006年荣获全英音乐奖“最具突破性国际艺人 ”、MTV欧洲音乐奖“最佳新人”的提名,并得到加拿大朱诺(Juno)奖& ldquo;最佳新人”的头衔,更在2007年荣获葛莱美“最佳流行男歌手”大奖提名。
在同名专辑广受全球热烈欢迎之后,丹尼尔开始踏上世界巡迴旅程,展开一连串的表演。随着一场又一场无止境的表演,不断面对媒体及演出的丹尼尔,虽然已在全球造成不可思议的旋风,但其实他最想要的,就是再次回到对音乐真切简单的爱裡。就在2008年,丹尼尔决定回归到他锺爱的音乐世界,偕同专辑制作人琳达派瑞(Linda Perry)一同待在洛杉矶,着手筹备新专辑“坠入琴网”。琳达派瑞这位音乐传奇,曾经帮许多杰出艺人制作过出色的作品,例如关史蒂芬妮(Gwen Stefani)、克莉丝汀(Christina Aguilera)..等,更擅长让艺人以直率的态度,自我探索艺人的内心情感。在此新专辑中,丹尼尔以令人过耳不忘的旋律,带来真心释放的自传性作品,除了擅长的钢琴音符之外,我们也惊喜地听见多变的吉他音色、飞扬的电气节奏、以及动人弦乐的一同唱和,完整展现出丹尼尔对流行音乐创作的无比热情。开场曲「Best Of Me」、动人诗篇「Don’t Give Up On Me」、真心满溢的「Beauty Queen」全都一如往昔,让我们立即随着丹尼尔的音符而应声融化;欣喜明亮的吉他线条如泉水般涌出的「Not Coming Back」,以及运用空心吉他驾驭着轻快速度感的「Fly Away」,则全都是新声报到;至于早已在大街小巷传唱的福特汽车New Mondeo广告曲「Whole World Around」,其完整专辑版本在多了弦乐的衬托下,让整首歌视野更加辽阔。此外,首支主打「Next Plane Home」的归乡心切,也直率地唱出对于最奢侈幸福的渴求。再加上琴键撩拨着,琳达派瑞的声音在幽幽缥缈之间,一同跨越国界、独自散发着浓浓中国风韵味的「Am I Still The One?」,新专辑“坠入琴网”在收录10首触动人心的全新创作的同时,也特地加收了KKBOX冠军曲「Love You Lately」以及「Bad Day」的维也纳现场版。
When Daniel Powter hunkered down in a Los Angeles recording studio with producer Linda Perry earlier this year to make his new album Under the Radar, he had no idea what kind of music would result. “I knew the songs were good,” the former violinist-turned-singer-songwriter and pianist says, “but I didn’t know there would be so much guitar. I didn’t know some of it was going to be electronic. I didn’t know it would have strings. But Linda has such an incredible versatility with music, and she had all these ideas. I just had to get out of her way and let it all unfold.” A singer-songwriter and musician herself who has worked career-makeover magic with Gwen Stefani and Christina Aguilera, Linda Perry is known for her brutal honesty and for cajoling artists to look inside and dig deep emotionally. On Under the Radar, she pulls the performance of a lifetime out of Powter. “Linda was like a therapist,” Powter recalls. “I cried in that studio, and she cried. There was frustration because she demanded a lot from me as a songwriter and performer. But she’s a kind, caring, wonderful, and very emotional woman. If you want to make music with her, you have to learn how to take an ass-kicking, and I think that’s what helped me. It was a cathartic experience.” The tough-love was just what he needed after the whirlwind of the previous two years. When Warner Bros. Records released Powter’s self-titled album in Europe in 2005, Powter watched his career skyrocket as its lead-off track, the irresistibly catchy “Bad Day,” became the most-played song in Europe that year, peaking at No. 1 on national airplay charts in the U.K., Germany, France, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, and Norway. It also hit No. 1 in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and went Top 5 in Italy, Austria, Sweden, Brazil, Finland, and South Africa. The album was certified platinum in Japan, the U.K., Ireland, France, and Switzerland, and gold in Australia, Canada, Singapore, and Taiwan. Encouraged by its stunning international success, Warner Bros. Records released Daniel Powter in the U.S., where it debuted on the Billboard Top 200 at No. 9 thanks to “Bad Day” — by now an unstoppable juggernaut that eventually became the best-selling digital single of all-time in the U.S., selling nearly 2.5 million downloads. “Bad Day” topped the Billboard Hot 100 for five consecutive weeks and earned Powter a 2007 Grammy Award nomination for “Best Male Pop Vocal Performance.” Three follow-up singles were released — “Free Loop,” “Jimmy Gets High,” and “Lie to Me” — eventually pushing global sales of Daniel Powter to more than 2.7 million copies. A fourth single, the live favorite “Love You Lately,” reached the Top 10 in several countries and appears as a bonus track on Under the Radar. Highly in demand to perform around the world, Powter hit the road for an international tour. But after the seemingly endless string of media appearances and touring ceased, Powter found himself emotionally depleted. “I was really burned out,” he says. “I didn’t know where the music was going to come from. I didn’t think I had a lot to say.” He decided to hole up alone in a small studio in Los Angeles to see what might happen. Within two weeks, “Best of Me,” “Whole World Around,” “Am I Still the One,” and “Not Coming Back” came pouring out of him. “I just fell in love with the songwriting process again,” he says. ”Once I sat down at the piano, I felt really comfortable.” If the previous album (initially recorded in a tiny apartment in Vancouver) was about Powter trying to discover what kind of voice he had, Under the Radar is the sound of an artist stretching creatively, refining that voice, and coming into his own. “Linda wanted to make an ‘artist’ record,” Powter says. “And I think that’s what we’ve done.” “Best of Me” sets the tone immediately: “It’s basically saying, ‘Take me for who I am or leave me for who I am, but this is the best of me,’” Powter says. “That was the first song we recorded and it opened the door to me getting over myself. Once we got that out of the way, things started to flow and everything became much easier.” Other album highlights include the first single “Next Plane Home,” “Whole World Around,” and “Am I Still The One?” (on which Perry makes a very rare vocal appearance). Through it all, the music affirms Powter’s love for classic pop songwriting, complete with unforgettable melodies and anthemic choruses. It also expands his previously piano-driven sonic palette by blending in chunky guitars, electronic flourishes, and sweeping strings. “As a singer-songwriter, I have a responsibility to communicate and connect with people,” Powter says, “and for me, melody speaks louder than words so that’s where I go with things, but I think a lot of people will relate to the lyrics. I just can’t wait for people to hear these new songs. I’m hungry to get back out on the road because I have this amazing, honest record to back me up!” Warner Bros. Records will release Under the Radar in Europe in September and in the U.S. in early 2009.