When The Sun Goes Down专辑介绍
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2千万粉丝 2亿次点击纪录 迷倒全美青少年
连结当红天后阵线:布兰妮、凯蒂佩芮、琵希洛特站台创作"Whiplash"、"That’s More Like It"、"We Own The Night"等酷感劲歌
她的音乐录像带在YouTube网站缔造超过2亿人次的浏览纪录,她的脸书拥有超过2千万名粉丝团,2010年全美青少年直选大奖与2011年全美直选大奖得主,Billboard杂志2011年6月18日专刊的封面人物,芳龄18的Selena Gomez/席琳娜是全美青少年的时尚偶像,随着2011年夏季登场的最新大碟【When The Sun Goes Down】,她要成为全球流行乐坛的闪亮巨星!
9岁生日当天,母亲带她参加美国知名儿童电视节目「Barney & Friends邦尼恐龙」的试镜演出,席琳娜的演艺生涯从此揭开序幕。2004年被迪斯尼星探挖掘,接连在迪斯尼热门影集「小查与寇弟的顶级人生」、「孟汉纳」中客串;2007年,迪斯尼为她量身打造热门影集「少年魔法师」,在创造600万人次的收视热潮后,席琳娜成为新世代偶像,并陆续参与电视电影「灰姑娘的歌舞情缘」、「公主保卫战」,电影「雷蒙纳和姐姐」等片。她在2009年正式进军乐坛,首张专辑『Kiss & Tell』晋升全美流行榜第9名,并在榜上停留长达一年,单曲"Naturally"勇夺全美舞曲榜冠军、美国唱片公会白金唱片销售认证、全球14国挺进流行榜TOP20,音乐录像带浏览人次更超过1亿650万。2010年以第2张专辑『A Year Without Rain』前进全美流行榜第4名,专辑连续产生"Round & Round"、"A Year Without Rain"两首全美流行单曲榜TOP40畅销曲,其中"A Year Without Rain"的音乐录像带也拥有超过6900万人次的浏览纪录。短短两年歌唱时光,席琳娜已创造700万张专辑+单曲销售新神话。
2011年最新大碟【When The Sun Goes Down】专辑制作阵容包括:Emanuel Kiriakou(席琳狄翁、新好男孩)、Priscilla Renea(蕾哈娜、雪莉儿)、Rock Mafia(麦莉)、Dr. Luke(布兰妮、恶女凯莎)、Kevin Rudolf(小韦恩)、Toby Gad(碧昂丝)。在舞动青春活力节奏的开场曲"Love You Like A Love Song"、激励年轻世代积极信念的歌曲"Hit The Lights"之外,也尝试更多较成熟的流行乐风格。首支单曲"Who Says"是关于挖掘自我能量与活力的青少年国歌,同时也是席琳娜主演的夏季电影「蒙地卡罗」片尾主题曲,单曲在全美TOP 40电台的收听率高达1810万人次,音乐录像带在YouTube浏览率高达4300万人次,同时晋升全美POP榜与舞曲榜第17名,全美累积销售已突破88万张。这次专辑更力邀欧美当红流行天后布兰妮、凯蒂佩芮、琵希洛特分别为席琳娜创作了"Whiplash"、"That’s More Like It"、"We Own The Night"等酷感劲歌。
When the Sun Goes Down is the third and final (until further notice) studio album by American band Selena Gomez & the Scene, released on June 28, 2011, by Hollywood Records. The band worked with several artists on this album, including writers and producers from their debut, Kiss & Tell (2009), and their second album, A Year Without Rain (2010), such as Rock Mafia duo Tim James and Antonina Armato, as well as Katy Perry, Devrim "DK" Karaoglu, and Toby Gad. New contributors to this album included Britney Spears, Priscilla Renea, Emanuel Kiriakou, and Sandy Vee. Selena Gomez along with some of the members of the The Scene contributed to some of the songwriting on the album. The album sonically follows in the step of their predecessor, taking on a dance-pop sound with influences of 1980s electro and disco music. Lyrical themes include topics of love, freedom, self-worth, and the joy of living in the moment.
When the Sun Goes Down spawned three singles. The lead single from the album, "Who Says" was released on March 14, 2011, peaking at number 21 in the United States and in the top twenty in Canada and New Zealand. The acoustic pop song also went Platinum in the United States. The second single from the album is "Love You Like a Love Song" charted in the top forty in Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. The third single, "Hit the Lights" was released on November 17, 2011. The album debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 with sales over 78,000 copies, surpassing the first week sales of their first two albums. The album rose to number three in its second week. The album was also successful elsewhere, peaking in the top 10 in countries like Belgium, Canada, Italy, Norway, Taiwan and New Zealand.
As of the end of 2011, the album has sold 1,021,500 copies worldwide.
When The Sun Goes Down专辑歌曲
- disc 2