Comedown Machine专辑介绍
(By 虾米)当The Strokes死忠还在期待一张追忆《Is This It》的专辑时,乐队却抛出了一张风格截然不同的新作,这是向流行的妥协还是乐队新尝试,不禁让人想到Arctic Monkeys发行《Suck It & See》相同情况,真是让人欢喜让人愁,不过老歌迷也好新歌迷也罢还是应该听一下这张乐队的用心之作的。
The Strokes announce their highly anticipated fifth studio album Comedown Machine to be released on March 26th via RCA Records. "All The Time" will be the official first single off the new album.
The Strokes consist of Julian Casablancas (lead vocals), Nick Valensi (guitar), Albert Hammond, Jr. (guitar), Nikolai Fraiture (bass) and Fabrizio Moretti (drums). The band has released four studio albums, Is This it (2001), Room on Fire (2003), First Impressions of Earth (2006) and Angles (2011) which have sold over 5 million albums worldwide. The band has headlined major festivals in the United States and UK, including the Isle of Wight Festival, Lollapalooza, Hurricane Festival, Splendour In The Grass, Rockness, Outside Lands, and Austin City Limits as well as sold out New York City's Madison Square Garden.
◎ 全球五百万销量车库摇滚/后庞克复兴摇滚乐团,2013年全新瞩目专辑
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◎ 收录全美首支登榜单曲〈All the Time〉等11首全新Post-Punk/Garage Rock新作
2001年,世纪交替之初,五个来自纽约的小伙子,乘着不羁的车库摇滚火力与后庞克声线轰然而至,以处男专辑《就是它吗 Is This it》掀起延烧至今不灭的复兴摇滚烈焰,名列滚石杂志、NME、SPIN等重量级传媒史上最经典专辑之列,「新一代摇滚救世主」的名号就此被冠在这几个身着酷劲皮衣、紧身牛仔裤与帆布鞋的20出头青年头上。
从初生之犊不畏虎的新人王,成为如今雄踞各大排行与音乐季顶端的摇滚天团,12年间,《Is This it》、《火烧厝 Room on Fire》、《初到贵宝地 First Impressions of Earth》、《摇滚观点 Angles》四张专辑、个人作品到Side Project,深受70、80纽约新浪潮音乐熏陶的The Strokes,从来不是躲在The Velvet Underground、Television和Talking Heads庇荫下的乐队,以他们直率的情感与自省能力,在爽朗快意的歌曲间,藏着世代青年的彷徨孤独,而低传真音色中流畅的旋律与多变的编曲,亦将音乐格局不断翻新,复制前辈的影子或另一张《Is This it》,从来不是他们想做的事。
再度与《Angle》制作人Gus Oberg合作打造的《Comedown Machine》,The Strokes前往纽约传奇录音室Electric Lady Studios录制。The Strokes经典的低传真后庞克声响,于首发单曲〈All the Time〉和〈50/50〉便畅快淋漓地迎面来袭;〈Tap Out〉跃动的放克Bassline,〈One Way Trigger〉令人联想起A-ha的清亮节拍与键盘音色,〈Welcome to Japan〉媲美Talking Heads的折衷新浪潮色彩,则将前作《Angles》与Julian Casablancas个人专辑中鲜明的80年代New Wave和流行元素持续发酵;而〈80's Comedown Machine〉以旋绕键盘音色堆栈起的抑郁低迷,以及〈Slow Animals〉犹如Phoenix的浪漫Soft Rock神采,亦可嗅见The Strokes新鲜的音乐活力与亟欲突破的企图。
12年来,他们写着关于春青的迷惘与困顿,然而在音乐的路上,The Strokes却从未迷失,而青春的样貌,亦未曾如此清晰。
The Strokes announce their highly anticipated fifth studio album Comedown Machine to be released on March 26th via RCA Records. "All The Time" will be the official first single off the new album.
The Strokes consist of Julian Casablancas (lead vocals), Nick Valensi (guitar), Albert Hammond, Jr. (guitar), Nikolai Fraiture (bass) and Fabrizio Moretti (drums). The band has released four studio albums, Is This it (2001), Room on Fire (2003), First Impressions of Earth (2006) and Angles (2011) which have sold over 5 million albums worldwide. The band has headlined major festivals in the United States and UK, including the Isle of Wight Festival, Lollapalooza, Hurricane Festival, Splendour In The Grass, Rockness, Outside Lands, and Austin City Limits as well as sold out New York City's Madison Square Garden.
Comedown Machine专辑歌曲
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