• 艺人:Daughtry   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:19
  • 发行时间:2009-07-14
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Leave This Town专辑介绍

曾谁说歌唱比赛最后荣耀一定是被前三名瓜分,完全逆转胜的以第四名姿态猎杀所有目光焦点,成为美国最具话题影响力的 American Idol 歌唱比赛历经八届以来,第一位以乐团方式闯荡歌坛的参赛者、第一位双霸告示牌流行+摇滚榜冠军的选手。Daughtry 仅靠同名处女秀,登记史上最快销售首发摇滚专辑,写下全球超越五白万张的销售门槛,拿下四座全美音乐+六座 Billboard+两座世界音乐奖,同时入围四座葛莱美奖肯定。

拥有媲美 Matchbox Twenty 之 Rob Thomas、Nickelback 之 Chad Kroeger、3 Doors Down之Brad Arnold 等主唱坚强演唱实力和充沛美式摇滚爆发力的 Chris Daughtry,虽然在 05 年参选澳洲摇滚队伍 INXS 主唱徵选落败,却藉由 06 年的 AI 找到另一舞台,更婉拒百万销售名团 Fuel 担任新主唱的邀约,找来鼓手 Joey Barnes、双吉他手 Jeremy Brady 与 Josh Steely、曾任硬蕊庞克/金属团 Suicidal Tendencies 的贝斯手 Josh Paul 等各路英雄组建起 Daughtry。首张作品『Daughtry』发烧热卖长达两年之久,接连狂扫排行各榜七首 Top30 畅销金曲,拿下快红新世代摇滚天团宝座。

Jeremy 离团换上 Brian Craddock 入替节奏吉他手一职,齐力推出第二张大碟『Leave This Town』,再度邀请两座葛莱美加冕的制作大师 Howard Benson(Kelly Clarkson、Papa Roach、P.O.D.) 操盘掌舵。开场直接爆冲出火烫摇滚气焰的「You Don't Belong」,Chris 装满愤怒的情绪瞬间点燃;第一波主打「No Surprise」,架构在标准的 Post-Grunge 曲式裡头,邀来 Nickelback 的 Chad Kroeger+The Click Five 的 Eric Dill 联手撰写,快速攀上流行榜 Top15+成人抒情榜 Top14 席次;虽然载着重力加速度气流的「Every Time You Turn Around」、「What I Meant To Say」,仍不失旋律性的提供琅琅上口之流畅音阶;迷人的吉他摇滚抒情小品「Life After You」、「Open Up Your Eyes」,组合出所有讨喜的成分,增添更易咀嚼的动人音符;层次感鲜明且张力极强的「Supernatural」,爽朗吉他与饱和鼓点,皆绽放无比的活力能量;意外发现进入乡村音乐名人殿堂巨星 Vince Gill 声影的「Tennessee Line」,散发阵阵乡村民谣的清新味觉。Daughtry 火力全开的二度出击,将多面向角度的力量合而为一,汇聚出更大声也更狂野的摇滚撼动力!

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

When he was recording his debut album in 2006, Chris Daughtry didn't have the time to assemble the real rock band he so desperately wanted to have, so it appeared under the band name DAUGHTRY without featuring any of the musicians who later became part of the group. That's not the case with Leave This Town, DAUGHTRY's second record: all five members are seen glowering on the album cover, floating like specters over an abandoned Californian street (presumably the city's citizens have already heeded the group's advice and abandoned this burg). The five rockers serve as visual evidence that DAUGHTRY is a band, not a person, and such explicit reminders are necessary because Leave This Town doesn't differ much in feel or form from DAUGHTRY, sounding for all the world like a remake of the debut. Overall, Leave This Town isn't quite as studio slick as its predecessor, but the four DAUGHTRYS who aren't Daughtry play with competence, not flair, cranking out post-grunge comfort food designed to soothe, not surprise. That was also the case with DAUGHTRY, but that record was fueled by Chris Daughtry's desire to be taken seriously, to prove that he belonged in the big leagues. Having achieved that goal, he's intent on staying at the top of the charts as long as possible, giving the people what they want in the form of furrow-browed rockers and brooding power ballads, all saved from their self-conscious sobriety by arena-level hooks, hooks that come from Daughtry and a variety of co-writers including Ben Moody and Nickelback's Chad Kroeger. Daughtry brings these big hooks down to human scale, injecting them with warmth if not quite mustering humility, and certainly avoiding mirth at all costs. For a man who sings "all that I'm after is a life full of laughter," he sure manages to avoid putting any sense of fun into his records, but that's just the legacy of grunge: after the early '90s, rock & roll was considered serious business indeed, and that's a lesson that Daughtry and DAUGHTRY heed. If they don't manage to have a lot of fun, their single-minded sobriety does mean that they avoid excesses, never succumbing to soul-baring indulgence or flights of instrumental fancy, which paradoxically turns into their strength: they have nothing on their mind other than making basic, black-and-white modern rock, and they do so efficiently on Leave This Town, a sophomore album that's every bit as satisfying as the first.