Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume 3专辑介绍
1967年,鲍勃·迪伦的第一辑超级金曲精选面世(《Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Vol.1》),第二辑则在1971年发 布。23年后第三辑也水落石出,收集了他这段时期较知名的歌曲,尤以"Knockin' on Heaven's Door"及"Forever Young"等经典为重,另有"Tangled up in the Blue"和"Hurricane"等在排行榜显耀一时的热门歌曲,以及"Ring Them Bells"等被争相翻唱的作品。出于完整呈现迪伦这一时期的面貌的宗旨,若干较次要和后期的作品也见收录, 如"Silvio"及"Under the Red Sky"等。
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume 3 is a compilation LP album by Bob Dylan, released on Columbia Records on compact disc in 1994, catalogue CK 66783. It peaked at No. 126 on the Billboard 200.
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume 3 is a compilation LP album by Bob Dylan, released on Columbia Records on compact disc in 1994, catalogue CK 66783. It peaked at No. 126 on the Billboard 200.