"Episode"可说是 Stratovarius 最杰出,也最足以代表这个乐团的一张专辑,1996年发行的这张专辑将 Stratovarius 推上音乐的另一个高峰,也代表着他们的一个里程碑。
这张专辑塑造了Stratovarius的特有风格,干净具爆发力的吉他和鼓,张力十足的Vocal和Keyboard,加上流畅、优美的曲式,让人一听就印象深刻,而"Episode"成功的原因也就是因为这些超强乐手的组合;当Timo Tolkki和Timo Kotipelto决定要前任键盘手和鼓手离开乐团,而找来大名鼎鼎的Jens Johansson和Jorg Michael共同录制Stratovarius的第五张专辑"Episode"之后,就决定这张专辑的命运:一张完美的经典作品。
当然,在一张经典专辑中,必定有许多脍灸人口的曲子,像是"Father time"充满了十足的 power 和 speed,"Will The sun rise?"全曲一气呵成,加上古典乐的间奏,100%的 Stratovarius,而"Eternity"、"Season of change"、"Babylon"这些曲子是该团拿手的抒情曲式,加入了史诗的风格,就更显得隽永。"Stratosphere"为一首演奏曲,是展现这些乐手实力的最好机会,尤其是吉他手Timo Tolkki,表现出他深受古典乐影响的曲风。
如果你从来没听过 Stratovarius 的作品,"Episode"是最好的一张入门专辑,如果你喜欢 Stratovarius,那你更需要这一张专辑。
It’s a classic album for speed metal.
Episode is indeed a big step for Stratovarius. It's the album on which they finally reached the sound that would last for years. So everything seems to be all right, except for the fact that Episode doesn't work so well as a whole. There are perfect hits like "Father Time," "Will the Sun Rise," and "Speed of Light," but the rest of the material fails in comparison, as is isn't as catchy or well put together. But despite these small lacks, Episode is very enjoyable. Each member of Stratovarius is a virtuoso of his instrument, and ever since Fourth Dimension they've played very well together. The best thing, however, is the diverse sound, which compensates for the lack of good songs. So, if you enjoyed the last two Stratovarius albums, you will love Episode.
- disc 1