• 艺人:AC/DC   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:EastWest, Albert, Epic
  • 发行时间:1995-09-26
  • 类别:录音室专辑


AC/DC在纽约开始录制新专辑,但对音效的不满使他们决定搬到洛杉机的Ocean Way录音室去,在那儿他们找到了满意的声音效果。由于有Big Gun的成功,乐队选择了Rick Rubin作制作人。
在 95年9月的头几天,从新专辑中选出的第一支单曲Hard As A Rock发行了。专辑Ballbreaker(碎球者)在9月26日发行。伴随Ballbreaker的第一支单曲,乐队还录制了一部影带,这是乐队与导演David Mallet的第七次合作。为排这部录象,伦敦地区的400名歌迷被带到了位于Windsor的Bray摄影棚的音响舞台。Angus占了影片的大部分镜头,他被吊在位于半空的一个巨大的破损的球上,最终他在一片散落的糖果玻璃和爆炸烟雾中冲过了一扇窗口。

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

In over 20 years, AC/DC never changed their minimalist, bone-crunching hard rock. During their first ten years, that wasn't a problem, since they were still finding ways to expand and subvert the pattern, but ever since For Those About to Rock, they had trouble coming up with consistent material. Consequently, their performances tended to be a little lazy and their records didn't deliver a reliable knockout punch. Released in 1990, The Razor's Edge showed some signs of life, and their comeback culminated in the Rick Rubin-produced Ballbreaker. What makes Ballbreaker different than the albums AC/DC churned out during the '80s is simple -- it's a matter of focus. Although "Hard as a Rock" comes close, there aren't any songs as immediately memorable as any of their '70s classics, or even "Moneytalks." However, unlike any record since Back in Black, there are no bad songs on the album. Surprisingly, Rubin's production is a bit too dry, lacking the muscle needed to make the riffs sound truly earthshaking. Nevertheless, Angus Young's riffs are powerful and catchy, showcasing every element that makes him one of hard rock and heavy metal's greatest guitarists. Throughout the album, the band sounds committed and professional, making Ballbreaker the best late-period AC/DC album to date.
