• 艺人:Arch Enemy   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Century Media
  • 发行时间:1999-05-21
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Burning Bridges专辑介绍

很快Arch Enemy在99年又推新碟Burning Bridges,和传统的Melodic Metal不同,这张专辑要更快一些,攻击性要更强一些,但流畅度决不逊色于In Flams、Dark Tranquillity等名团。这张专辑比上张专辑变化了不少,Amott兄弟的相互配合天衣无缝,让你享受现代Metal的双主音吉他的魅力,每一次的双琴互飑都让人兴奋不已!Johan Liiva的唱腔也有了改进,不再象以前那么单一。鼓手时而稳健,时而狂野地带动着音乐的变化。高速的Bass不断为演奏再加入一针“强心剂”!曲目依旧首首精彩,例如第三首,上来一段鼓花,接16小节狠辣的riff,然后是一段抒情的Solo…Arch Enemy的音乐就象他们专辑的封面一样---给人一种凄美的感觉,同时隐隐的有种残暴即将来临的预感,这就是死亡的魅力.最精彩的要算点题曲目Burning Bridges了,强烈的Doom感,沉重的Riff,绝望的演唱,配上缠绵的小提琴和凄凉的女声演绎,再加上旷野风声般的背景音效,“so now the bridges are burnt./ a lesson learned?/ promises broken./ tender lies softly spoken./ changes in you, changes in me./ maybe it was nenver meant to be./ it wasn't you, it wasn't me./ we were far too close to see...”缓缓流出,那份痛苦,那份苍凉,只有你听过Arch Enemy才能体会得到。虽然全盘只有短短不到40分钟,可那份来自黑暗的独特感觉却使你久久不能释怀。

by Steve Huey

While some of the genre's hardcore aficionados might disagree, death metal tempered with a dab of accessibility is generally a more enticing proposition -- not only does it render the intensity more consistently listenable, it also increases the chances of a band developing an original voice, since they don't tie themselves down to genre conventions. Arch Enemy is one such band, having honed a potent blend of classic-style death metal, melodic twin-guitar leads a la the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, touches of prog metal and of grindcore courtesy of later Carcass or Napalm Death, and just plain solid riff writing. Burning Bridges, their third effort, consolidates the gains made on its predecessor Stigmata, establishing Arch Enemy as a dependable force and one of the better bands working death metal territory as the '90s draw to a close.