Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984–1994专辑介绍
最初听Sting,是被他的「摇滚诗人」称号所吸引,究竟是怎样的歌手会被称为摇滚诗人。很多称号多带有虚浮夸张的成分,尤其是台湾自行对外国歌手的封号。不过听过《Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994》后,倒是觉得Sting真如其封号,文字很敏锐、迷人,像是音乐界的诗人。Sting属于全才型的音乐人,既是创作人、歌手、乐手、制作人,而且都是各范畴的顶尖者,更会玩十多种乐器。音乐的横跨幅度也很大,雷鬼、新浪潮、世界音乐、古典他都能玩的得心应手。听起他的音乐,会让人觉得全身舒畅,他的音乐能综合各种不同元素,玩得行云流水而不突兀,而且下张专辑总会有不同面貌、产生新的火花。是位不断求新求变,对他自己、对音乐、社会都很诚实认真面对的音乐人。
《Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994》是早年的精选,几乎每首歌都是经典,我喜欢〈Russians〉对冷战时期美苏对立仍悲天悯人的胸怀,〈Englishman in New York〉里展现的洒脱异乡人态度,〈They Dance Alone〉对智利独裁政权的抗议,当然,还有很多很多...
Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984–1994 is the first compilation issued by Sting. It features hit singles from his studio albums The Dream of the Blue Turtles, ...Nothing Like the Sun, The Soul Cages, and Ten Summoner's Tales. The album features two new songs, "When We Dance" and "This Cowboy Song", which were both released as singles. An alternate version of "We'll Be Together" is also featured. While the liner notes do not mention this, the version of "Why Should I Cry for You" on this compilation differs from the one on The Soul Cages. The seventeen track international version contains five tracks not included on the fourteen track U.S. release, but does not include "Be Still My Beating Heart" or "Fortress Around Your Heart".
Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984–1994专辑歌曲
- disc 1