The Greater of Two Evils专辑介绍
把经典的老东西重新录制一遍,换上新的音色似乎也成为了近几年比较时髦的做法。暂且不讨论这种行为是不是可耻的赚钱手段,不过对于那些复出后需要找回状态的老乐队来说,这到是种不错的办法。位居美国四大激流金属之末的Anthrax也这么做了,在04年底发行了The Greater of Two Evils,虽然炒的是冷饭,不过他们炒得不错。通过这张专辑,乐队彻底抹去了自己在90年代的说唱金属小丑形象,宣告了自己的回归。
The Greater of Two Evils中乐队把头五张最经典的专辑(Fistful of Metal-84,Spreading the Disease-85,Among the Living-87,State of Euphoria-88,Persistence of Time-90)中的代表作品全部从新演绎了一遍,全长接近80分钟——写满了整整一张CD,分量足够。Deathrider、Metal Thrashing Mad、Madhouse这些名曲被赋予了90年代更为厚实饱满的音色,获得了新的生命,绝对能够符合当今Metalcore乐迷的口味。另一方面老作品只是改变了音色,而其内质精髓则得以传承,仍然是典型的混合了punk和Harcore的Anthrax式的激流金属,因此也能够触及老乐迷们的兴奋点。主唱John Bush(前Armored Saint)也通过这张作品证明了自己同样能唱好80年代Joey时期的歌。几曲新作也保持了硬朗纯粹的Thrash曲风,让乐迷们有理由期待一张更精彩的新专辑。
发行完The Greater of Two Evils后,乐队又以一支真正的Thrash乐队的形象活跃在了金属舞台上,还参与了05年的Ozzfest。The Greater of Two Evils作为复苏之前的过渡是做得很不错的,乐队通过发行这张作品找回了状态,召回了老乐迷,同时吸收了大批新乐迷。虽然是盘冷饭,不过食之有味,就算当作一张精选来听也不错。
"These are your favorite Anthrax songs from the Turbin/Belladonna era Anthrax. You voted and we listened." So writes Scott Ian in the liners to The Greater of Two Evils, Anthrax's tribute to their past, their fans, and their present tense. Message board voters built the track list, and they did well, hitting on a mix of classics and fan favorites from the group's first five albums. But Two Evils also unites the band's early creative zenith with the resurgent promise of 2003's We've Come for You All. That album wasn't a comeback, since Anthrax had never really left. But it was definitely a return to form after a few years spent casting around for direction. Hearing the 2004 lineup of Ian, John Bush, Charlie Benante, Frank Bello, and Rob Caggiano absolutely rip into cuts like "Metal Thrashing Mad" and "Caught in a Mosh" -- and have their passion matched by raw and thumping production -- combines the thrill of returning to a great old album with knowing that the band's loving it just as much as you. Bush is particularly engaged for "Indians," and Caggiano's frenetic soloing to open "A.I.R." is a perfect foil to the track's near-hardcore bottom end. The beginning of "Madhouse" sounds like magnets ripping away iron plating, and "I Am the Law" and "Gung-Ho" are still clinics on thrash. Anthrax fans are sure to love The Greater of Two Evils, especially since they picked the tracks. But what's even better about the set is how vital it makes the band itself sound.
The Greater of Two Evils专辑歌曲
- disc 1