• 艺人:Bob Marley   欧美男艺人
  • 语种:其他
  • 唱片公司:Island/Tuff Gong
  • 发行时间:1979-10-02
  • 类别:录音室专辑


Bob Marley把他在非洲的所有感受写在了《Survival》里。在这张博大而具有革命性的唱片中Marley愤怒地对全世界的白人怒吼道:“你怎么还能悠然闲坐,对我说你满怀慈悲?因为我放眼望去,到处都有苦难的身影在徘徊,”


by Lindsay Planer

Containing what is considered Marley's most defiant and politically charged statement to date, Survival concerns itself with the expressed solidarity of not only Africa, but of humanity at large. The album was controversial right down to the jacket, which contains a crude schematic of the stowage compartment of a typical transatlantic slave ship. Survival is intended as a wake-up call for everyman to resist and fight oppression in all of its insidious forms. From Tyrone Downie's opening synthesizer strains on "So Much Trouble in the World" to the keyboard accents emerging throughout "Zimbabwe," the sounds of Survival are notably modern. The overwhelming influence of contemporary African music is also cited with the incorporation of brass, á la Fela Kuti and his horn-driven Africa '70. While "Top Rankin'," "Ride Natty Ride," and "Wake Up and Live" are the most obvious to benefit from this influence, there are other and often more subtle inspirations scattered throughout. Survival could rightly be considered a concept album. Marley had rarely been so pointed and persistent in his content. The days of the musical parable are more or less replaced by direct and confrontational lyrics. From the subversive "Zimbabwe" -- which affirms the calls for the revolution and ultimate liberation of the South African country -- to the somewhat more introspective and optimistic "Africa Unite," the message of this album is clearly a call to arms for those wanting to abolish the subjugation and tyranny of not only Africans, but all humankind. Likewise, Survival reinforces the image of Marley as a folk hero to those suffering from oppression. The 2001 "Definitive Remaster" of Survival includes a bonus track featuring the 12" extended version of "Ride Natty Ride," previously only available on CD in the Songs of Freedom box set.