• 艺人:Joy Division   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Factory Records
  • 发行时间:1979-06-14
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Unknown Pleasures专辑介绍

Joy Division出版的每一部作品都是精华之作。乐队成立初期Warsaw时代的风格属于受到Sex Pistol影响下的黑色朋克,Joy Division逐渐从原始粗糙中接近于内省式的哥特。最具代表性的专辑《Unknown Pleasures》中Ian Curtis创作了大量的概念模糊但具有想象力的歌曲。这张专辑一直延续着Cutis对死亡渴望的主题。Joy Division严格意义上不能称作一支哥特乐队,但音乐本身对之后的哥特风格的影响深远,音乐的黑色是的相通性的。

Joy Division的音乐具有非凡的魅力,观众往往感觉歌者与他交谈,从而产生内心的震动。在舞台上,吉他在强劲的贝司衬托下玩着节奏的游戏,时而激烈时而抒情。主唱的声音似乎从很远的地方传来,或高声呐喊,或轻声呢喃,伊恩·柯蒂斯随着音乐的节奏与强度跳起机械的舞蹈。在录音棚里,汉奈特为乐队营造了完美的氛围。在《Unknown Pleasures》中,为了表现都市的败坏,他设计了奇特的音响。在《Closer》中,他致力于使每一件乐器的的音乐纯正,他特别设计了一种鼓声,使人惊叹鼓仿佛受到了电流的干扰。

除了表现压抑,Joy Division也创造了某种甜蜜的感觉。例如《Unknown Pleasures》向人展示了现代西方文明中的一切:孤寂无人的街道、弄堂里的哭喊、破碎的酒瓶以及永无停止的生产流水线。

《Unknown Pleasures》也许是Joy Division最伟大是作品。当年出版封套上竟没有乐队的名字,他们一开始就想让音乐代替一切。

by Ned Raggett

It even looks like something classic, beyond its time or place of origin even as it was a clear product of both -- one of Peter Saville's earliest and best designs, a transcription of a signal showing a star going nova, on a black embossed sleeve. If that were all Unknown Pleasures was, it wouldn't be discussed so much, but the ten songs inside, quite simply, are stone-cold landmarks, the whole album a monument to passion, energy, and cathartic despair. The quantum leap from the earliest thrashy singles to Unknown Pleasures can be heard through every note, with Martin Hannett's deservedly famous production -- emphasizing space in the most revelatory way since the dawn of dub -- as much a hallmark as the music itself. Songs fade in behind furtive noises of motion and activity, glass breaks with the force and clarity of doom, minimal keyboard lines add to an air of looming disaster -- something, somehow, seems to wait or lurk beyond the edge of hearing. But even though this is Hannett's album as much as anyone's, the songs and performances are the true key. Bernard Sumner redefined heavy metal sludge as chilling feedback fear and explosive energy, Peter Hook's instantly recognizable bass work at once warm and forbidding, Stephen Morris' drumming smacking through the speakers above all else. Ian Curtis synthesizes and purifies every last impulse, his voice shot through with the desire first and foremost to connect, only connect -- as "Candidate" plaintively states, "I tried to get to you/You treat me like this." Pick any song: the nervous death dance of "She's Lost Control"; the harrowing call for release "New Dawn Fades," all four members in perfect sync; the romance in hell of "Shadowplay"; "Insight" and its nervous drive toward some sort of apocalypse. All visceral, all emotional, all theatrical, all perfect -- one of the best albums ever.

Unknown Pleasures专辑歌曲

disc 1






05New Dawn Fades


06She's Lost Control






