• 艺人:Cradle of Filth   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Spitfire Records
  • 发行时间:2001-05-22
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Bitter Suites to Succubi专辑介绍

1994年,Cradle of Filth的首张专辑《邪恶之本原创造众生》(The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh)取得了非凡的成功,至今都被认为是他们最好的作品。这一作品的主角是吸血鬼巴托里女伯爵(Bathory),她也将是Cradle of Filth今后几乎所有作品的主角。序曲《我们的黑暗新娘》(颈项之婚礼)仿佛将人带入夜的迷雾之中,一个关于吸血鬼的故事就此展开了:在主题曲《邪恶之本原创造众生》中,声声刺耳的凄惨叫声,划破夜的长空;然后,《森林低声呼唤着我的名字》,隐约传来的声音仿佛来自坟墓,那是“黑暗女神”的召唤;午夜时分,沉重的脚步声、摄人魂魄的雷声、无休止的雨声、管风琴的轰鸣,还有门被推开的吱呀声,在这漆黑的雨夜回荡,一个《牧师》见到了《黑暗女神的复活》;淫荡的“黑暗女神”轻吟挑逗的话语,送来《一个最后的死之吻》,键盘乐和弦乐的迷人乐声把这个“最后的死之吻”表现得满怀致命的诱惑力,令人身不由己投入到她的怀抱里;在心神狂乱之际,《不断增长的欲望在流淌》,那嗜血的欲望,——那生命之血;《施以夏娃的魔法之力》散发邪恶与兽性,令人胆战心惊,管风琴在《雾霭和午夜的天空》中轻轻奏响,在一声惨叫之后,流水的声音和夜的奇妙音响讲述了故事的结局——《我们被神秘的爱情淹没而死去》;《雪中之狼的梦幻》美丽而短暂,梦醒时分只残留下感伤,那《转瞬即逝的垂死之夏》的感伤。在残暴的外表下,这些音乐为我们讲述了一个浪漫的故事,此乃一部充满了美感和令人感动的黑暗金属作品。

《邪恶之本原创造众生》为Cradle of Filth带来了好运,随后的唱片几乎张张都受到很高的评价。1996年,单曲碟《吸血鬼》(Vempire/Dark Faerytales In Phallustein)出版,在这张唱片中,他们的风格更加成熟;1996年的长篇史诗般的《黄昏和她的拥抱》(Dusk And Her Embrace)、1998年的淫荡兽性的《残忍与野兽》(Cruelty And The Beast)和2000年的混合了多种元素的《米堤亚》(Midian,古代阿拉伯北部居民)均是杰出之作。2001年,新专辑《献给女魔的悲伤组曲》(Bitter Suites To Succubi)出版,在新的世纪里,Cradle of Filth继续向我们讲述着吸血鬼故事的续篇。

Review by John Serba
Originally intended to be an EP, Bitter Suites to Succubi found Cradle of Filth inspired to stretch the release into a beast of full-length proportions. With that in mind, Bitter Suites is, unsurprisingly, a somewhat illogically tossed salad of Cradle of Filth tracks: four new originals ("All Hope in Eclipse," "Born in a Burial Gown," "Suicide and Other Comforts," and "Scorched Earth Erotica") mingle with three re-recordings of The Principle of Evil Made Flesh-era cuts ("Summer Dying Fast," "The Principle of Evil Made Flesh," and "The Black Goddess Rises II"), a cover of a Sisters of Mercy tune ("No Time to Cry"), and two fluffy instrumental tracks. As a whole, the disc is uneven at best, even considering the overall top-shelf quality of the new songs; the re-recorded tracks raise a big question mark (specifically: why?), considering the changes in arrangements are either subtle or nonexistent. Longtime Cradle-ites will want to grab Bitter Suites to Succubi to better understand the band's compositional growth (if not for the cleverly punned title alone), but truthfully, the album would be listened to more often if it were a solid, hit-and-run EP of new tunes punctuated by the highly enjoyable, suitably blackened Sisters of Mercy ditty. Newly recruited fans are to be directed toward a more coherent entry in the Cradle of Filth catalog, such as Dusk and Her Embrace or Cruelty and the Beast.