Secret Voyage专辑介绍
Night的嗓音甜而不腻、不温不火。第一首仍是两个人擅长的摇滚民谣,连Intro一起,为专辑开了个好头。接下来的Glided Cage放慢了速度,开始讲故事,是一个关于穿越时空的奇幻旅程的故事,主角是Blackmore和Night为领队的一帮吟游诗人。
整张专辑的曲目编排一快一慢,一张一弛,包罗万象,耐人寻味,就仿佛冒险的旅途,新奇的美景接连不断,结束曲Empty Words与Intro交相辉映,为旅途画上圆满的句号,而且颇有点意犹未尽的感觉。
Secret Voyage is another kaleidoscopic musical journey through time and space, incorporating and rearranging traditional melodies from all over Europe, blending the "old" and contemporary. The brilliant guitar stylings of Ritchie Blackmore, the enchanting vocals and lyrics of singer/songwriter Candice Night and the saturation of authentic Renaissance instruments woven throughout the melodies, create a unique style of music they call Renaissance/Folk/Rock. Secret Voyage consists of twelve new tracks, recorded by Candice Night, Ritchie Blackmore and their Band Of Minstrels. This musical journey is inspired by nature and incorporates acoustic and electric guitars, strings, renaissance instruments and Candice Night s ethereal voice and mystical lyrics.
Secret Voyage专辑歌曲
- disc 1