

拉丁人似乎天然有着周身的活力与舞蹈资质,Ricky Martin一上台就开始他的招牌——胯部摇摆,将人们的情绪带得激奋高亢。克力斯提,这位天赋的拉丁歌星,比之丝毫不逊色,把热闹、动感的拉丁摇滚曲风演绎得酣畅淋漓。




by John Bush

With help from Kike Santander, the same producer who guided 1999's Mi Vida Sin Tu Amor to multi-platinum success, Cristian's Azul is another album of sweet ballads, paced with an occasional up-tempo cut. Beginning with the tender love songs "Yo Queria" and "Nuestro Amor," Cristian croons his way through a dozen luscious cuts of Latin pop, polished to near perfection (or perhaps beyond perfection) by Santander. Only occasionally does he shift into a higher gear, as on "Lloviendo Estrellas" and the downright catchy hit single "Azul." Even fans of Latin music may find the productions too syrupy and the songs too maudlin, but Cristian's winning way with a ballad may just convert a few listeners.