Masters of Chant Chapter VII(上帝之声第七章)专辑介绍
来自英伦岛屿的 Gregorian 格利高理合唱团(又称“教皇合唱团”或“上帝之声”),由Frank Peterson在2000年前后精心筹划。Frank Peterson曾是Enigma的一员,知名作品有很多:如Enigma的《Sadeness》和《Principles Of Lust》,Sarah Brightman的《Time to Say Goodbye》等等。正因如此,我们常常可以在他们的作品中听到与Enigma如出一辙的配器和编曲,而Sarah Brightman更是数次在作品中献声,为专辑平添几分光彩。
组成 Gregorian 格利高理合唱团的12位成员都是浸淫于教堂音乐与和声风格,拥有深厚古典基础,并在英国伦敦乐界有一定地位的演唱家。他们一同用传承600年的古典美声,演绎世纪脍炙人口的西洋流行歌曲,以天籁般的优美和声演绎流行音乐,别有滋味。他们的作品曾在全球34个国家发行、在7个国家创下前10名的成绩,获得1张白金及7张金唱片的殊荣。几乎使得格林高利的圣音传遍全世界,全球几百万销售业绩的理想终于成为了现实!
In the year 1999 began with "Masters Of Chant" of the Gregorian triumph, caused a stir of the world. The creator of the project, Frank Peterson, previously successful with the project Enigma, pursued his idea that the fusion of pop music and choral continue consistently. Peterson Gregorian created with a distinct genre, which could still establish itself as such. It is due to that the public interest aroused in this style of music and has been commercially successful. This success is reflected in more than 3 million albums sold and a steadily growing worldwide fan base again.At a time when the leaves little room for reflection, are Gregorian become a phenomenon. Your music and concerts provide the opportunity for reflection, let its audience through its unique presentation in a wonderful way to escape the everyday - the new "Masters Of Chant Chapter VII," this is further proof.
Countless admirers around the world have been waiting for founding the choir always yearning for new signs of life. In the year of its 10th anniversary, they will not be disappointed. With the new album "Masters Of Chant Vol VII" and subsequent world tour will be celebrated the anniversary. In November and December 2009 Gregorian in Germany and present themselves to the fans in 24 cities.
The integrated approach, songs of the last 40 years in a completely new sound in the timeless world of Gregorian chant that is still supported and seems inexhaustible. On the "Masters of Chant Chapter VII," you can find music greats like U2, Depeche Mode, Gwen Stefani, Lionel Richie, Snow Patrol, or Guns 'N' Roses. It was transferred a total of 19 tracks in the Gegorian genre, where the first comes from his own pen.
The eight dressed in monk's robes, classically trained singers, including full backing band is, this place during their anniversary tour with an impressive light show, with flames, laser and projection effects again demonstrated.
Masters of Chant Chapter VII(上帝之声第七章)专辑歌曲
- disc 1
02One (U2)