• 艺人:ABBA   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Polar Music
  • 发行时间:1977-12-12
  • 类别:录音室专辑

The Album专辑介绍

  放眼流行乐坛,能够被誉为传奇巨星,唱片、CD、卡带累积销售突破三亿八千万张,歌曲作品在三十多年之后的今天依然传唱不已的流行乐团,只有ABBA/阿巴合唱团!自从’73年以首航专辑『Ring Ring』称霸瑞典、’74年以"Waterloo"一曲勇夺欧洲歌唱大赛冠军开始,ABBA的四位团员即以明亮圆润而和谐的嗓音、深具流行渲染力的创作才华与製作功力,在全球乐坛呼风唤雨,强势主宰七○年代排行榜、声势维持多年不坠!即使在解散之后,他们的作品仍持续被后生晚辈翻唱、取样,或是被热门电影、电视剧选为背景衬乐;’99年起以ABBA畅销曲编写而成的音乐剧「Mamma Mia!」更在世界各地造成轰动!

  这张原于’77年12月发行的【The Album/第五张专辑】,是为了配合电影「ABBA-The Movie」所特别录製,其中六首歌曲出现在电影配乐之中,另外三首则是迷你音乐剧「The Girl With The Golden Hair」中的唱作﹔【The Album】当年在瑞典、英国、纽西兰…等全球八个国家排行榜上封王,"The Name Of The Game"、"Take A Chance On Me"、"Thank You For The Music"、"Eagle"…都是乐迷耳熟能详的ABBA招牌经典!

  为了庆祝这张经典大作问世三十週年,环球音乐特地推出【The Album】CD+DVD豪华双碟纪念盘,除了保留专辑的原始曲目之外,更加入"Take A Chance On Me"、"I Wonder"的现场演唱录音、"Move On"、"Thank You For The Music"西班牙语版…等六首超值单曲;DVD部分则收录了珍贵稀有的现场演唱实况录影、电视新闻专题报导、以及当年为宣传促销专辑所製作的电视广告画面,几乎所有内容都是首度以DVD格式发行。28页厚的专辑内页特集多张ABBA当时的珍贵照片、还请来熟稔ABBA乐团历史的权威专家Carl Magnus Palm撰写长达五千多字的专文,详细介绍【The Album】的制作过程。重温与珍藏ABBA的不朽经典就趁现在!


by Bruce Eder & William Ruhlmann
ABBA's fifth album was a marked step forward for the group, having evolved out of Europop music into a world-class rock act over their previous two albums, they now proceeded to absorb and assimilate some of the influences around them, particularly the laid-back California sound of Fleetwood Mac (curiously, like ABBA, then a band with two couples at its center), as well as some of the attributes of progressive rock. That they did this without compromising their essential virtues as a pop ensemble makes this album seem even more extraordinary, though at the time nobody bothered to analyze it -- The Album was simply an incredibly popular release, yielding two British number one singles in "The Name of the Game" and "Take a Chance on Me" (which made the Top Five in America, their second-best showing after "Dancing Queen"), and achieving the quartet's highest-ever showing on the U.S. LP charts, reaching the Top 20 and selling a million copies in six months. The opening number, "Eagle," dominated by synthesizers and soaring larger-than-life vocal flourishes, is followed by the more lyrical "Take a Chance on Me," with its luminous a cappella opening. The whole album is like that, effortlessly straddling hard rock, pop/rock, dance-rock, and progressive rock -- though the hits tend to stand out in highest relief, there are superb album tracks here, including the driving, lushly harmonized "Move On" and "Hole in Your Soul," which provides guitarist Lasse Wellander with a beautiful showcase for his lead electric playing. The second side of the album is dominated by material from a "mini-musical" called Girl with the Golden Hair that Benny Andersson and Bj?n Ulvaeus wrote for the concerts on their just-ended tour intended to be used in a dramatically coherent storytelling context. Two of its songs, "Thank You for the Music" and "I Wonder (Devotion)," are less exciting than the straight rock material found elsewhere on the album, though the former became a popular concert number for the quartet, while the latter is the kind of lushly melodic, moodily reflective song that could easily have graced a Barbra Streisand album of the era. The closer, "I'm a Marionette," however, is a startlingly bold attempt to recast the influence of Kurt Weill in a hard rock mode, ending The Album on a high note, musically and artistically. [The Album was reissued in October 2001 in a gatefold format in remastered 24-bit digital audio, which reveals extraordinary detail and richness in every track, and with one delightful bonus cut, Agnetha F?tskog's beguiling Doris Day-style interpretation of "Thank You for the Music."]