• 艺人:Deadmau5   欧美男艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Ultra Records
  • 发行时间:2014-11-24
  • 类别:精选集

5 Years of mau5专辑介绍

Over the weekend, deadmau5 revealed that a remix album was on the way. He said, "coming real soon. 5 years of mau5. remixes by chuckie, dillon francis, nero, eric pryds [sic], nero, madeon, pig n dan, botnik [sic] and more :)." Today, deadmau5 unveiled the release date of 5 years of mau5: November 25th, 2014. On top of that, it will be a double album. This means we'll get to hear a lot of deadmau5 tracks reimagined.

The album art for 5 years of mau5 is a combination of his previous album covers.
