• 艺人:The Fratellis   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:BMG
  • 发行时间:2013-10-07
  • 类别:录音室专辑

We Need Medicine专辑介绍

时隔5年,三个人像当初初出茅庐时的青蛙嘎嘎叫一样完成的回归。The Fratellis像以前一样的洋溢着鸡血般的激情带来了新专辑《We Need Medicine》,整张专辑充满着青春梦想般的直来直往,丝毫不想拖泥带水。Jon Fratelli显然也是越唱越开心,当我听着《We Need Medicine》恨不得直接从路边拉个人跳起来,就像酒精作用一般,浑身充满了不知名的力量。就像他们唱的那样来上个7天7夜又如何。显然身体已经被《We Need Medicine》控制,越听越难以自拔。久违的心动好专辑。(by musicsailor)

After a 5-year release hiatus, The Fratellis are back with a new album We Need Medicine on October 7 released through BMG Records. This will be preceded by a new single ‘Seven Nights Seven Days’ on September 29.
After reforming for a sold out UK tour earlier this year and performing to a huge crowd at this year’s T in the Park Festival, The Fratellis have also announced a UK tour for November. The tour commences at Bournemouth 02 Academy on November 17 and culminates in a homecoming show at Glasgow 02 Academy on 29th November. They will also play a show at Wolverhampton’s Wulfrun Hall on November 26.
The Fratellis third album We Need Medicine, recorded in Glasgow’s West End and produced by Jon Fratelli and Stuart McCredie, who also mixed the record, is an 11-track record of bluesy rock anthems. New single ‘Seven Nights Seven Days’ is a rousing anthem with a classic Fratellis chorus backed by country guitars, while the title track is a gravelly, piano-led blues song that you can’t help but sing along to and is sure to be a live favourite.