Halcyon Digest专辑介绍
Animal Collective制作人混音,成军来最平易近人的作品
当你以为2010年已精锐尽出,不可能更棒了,Deerhunter翩然驾到。这组亚特兰大队伍自第二张专辑问世来跃升为迷魅摇滚的掌旗者,由高中结识的主唱Bradford Cox与吉他手Lockett Pundt领军,是后庞克与新迷幻的嫡系子嗣。香甜的环境噪音,幻梦的漂荡音牆,透明又带点邪恶的天真,分支团体Atlas Sound与Lotus Plaza也沉溺在相同的次元里。
闻过《Cryptograms》的扑鼻药味,触摸过接续大作《Microcastle》有稜有角的层理组织,第四张大碟再一次脱胎换骨。录製于小城雅典,由Animal Collective製作人溷音,这是关于记忆的专辑。正如【2046】的名句:「所有的记忆都是潮溼的。」由音乐饱含水分的Deerhunter诠释记忆,有什麽比这更相得益彰的组合?
《Halcyon Digest》是乐团成军来最可亲的一张,〈Coronado〉明亮的萨克斯风让人耳目一新,〈Revival〉与〈Memory Boy〉等小曲一听就会爱上。瘾头重者也不用担心胃口无法满足,两首长篇绝对让你继续坠落:〈Desire Lines〉的前奏宛如Arcade Fire名曲〈Rebellion (Lies)〉,尾声的多层吉他堆积简直是〈Nothing Ever Happened〉的火力加强版,耳朵想不高潮都很困难。献给年初过世的Jay Reatard的漂亮关门曲〈He Would Have Laughed〉也动听至极。
Bradford Cox在〈Basement Scene〉任性地唱到:「I don’t want to wake up. I don’t want to get old.」你无法选择不要变老,却可以选择潜入Deerhunter的音乐里做梦。然后在还没准备好以前,永远都别醒来。
This album is supported by five mammoth songs, like Spring Hall Convert, Nothing Ever Happened, and Circulation of past album. They are Earthquake, Sailing, Desire Lines, Helicopter, and He Would Have Laughed. The rest of the album is like a certain sweetness that just happens to be better than most or if not all Deerhunter attempts. It doesn't really matter though, as the rest of the album could be filled with the most sub-par "blog experiments" ever and it would still be a 5 star for those 5 tracks.