Dear Catastrophe Waitress专辑介绍

这是有着焕然一新风貌的细致民谣。来自苏格兰的八人乐队Belle & Sebastian 在近来的乐坛上塑造了一股清流,他们的曲子除了拥有典雅芬芳的气息,编曲方面华丽却仍有相当清新的美感。

创作灵感从七零年代的电台流行歌曲出发,不落俗套的赋予乐器方面巧妙的配置;融合了吉他、小喇叭、木琴、长笛、键盘、风琴、打击乐器等组成的管弦乐队倾吐出一种让人晕眩的轻快乐音。在精神上延续了早夭的苏格兰民谣传奇Nick Drake最纤细的一面以及八零年初的 The Smith那种苍白虚弱的年少纯情,此外不少甜美的部份不禁会让人想起最温柔时候的Velvet Underground。

受到到英美无数好评的他们拒绝访谈、拍照、主流公司挖角、只致力于创作是现今少见的。他们歌曲的主题以生活上的感触、嘲讽、爱情、梦境等,流畅简洁的旋律加上待过唱诗班的主唱Stuart Murdoch嗓音柔细悠闲有时候会让想起Felt的软语呢喃。大部分的歌曲都有延续着的听觉惯性,宁静中蛰伏着安静的风暴;微妙的忧伤隐藏在音符的藤蔓中。

进入2003年的Belle And Sebstian,一切似乎有些许不同;先是转换新东家Rough Trade厂牌,其后竟找来Trevor Horn这位80年代新浪漫音乐幕后推手,为乐团的第五张专辑制作,而追随多年的乐迷怎么也想不到,这次的「Dear Catastrophe Waitress」专辑,来得是那样地丰满完美,疑问与兴奋,就怕听漏了其中的珠玑,还有那比过往更成熟的细腻写意。先是首支单曲”Step Into My Office, Baby”,以轻松的小喇叭低音徐徐吹出开曲,然后便是不带压力的和谐编曲,淡写的柔软合声,就像是Dexy's Midnight Runners的蓝眼灵魂,抹上那60年代复古色彩。专辑同名曲以急促的弦乐和小鼓间奏,冷静地吟唱中却掩不住那俏皮的揶揄。”If She Want Me”除了清亮的吉他和弦外,还有着如西岸阳光般的风琴声,直在耳边轻轻地拂过。”You Don’t Send Me”异国风味的敲击和四处串扬的小号,和”If You Find Yourself Caught In Love”的ba-lah合声与那满溢的琴键,Belle & Sebastian早尽责任地收住夏日最后一道阳光。而取代原女提琴手团员Isobell的Sarah Martin,主唱了一首”Asleep On A Sunbeam”,不论是独力或与Stuart怯怯地一搭一唱,听来不胜害羞。主唱Stuart为自己最爱的美国职棒所写的”Piazza, New York Catcher”,以及专辑内唯一的慢板曲”Lord Anthony”,都让自己细嚼那属于曾经年轻的气盛。无疑地,「Dear Catastrophe Waitress」专辑交出一张令人满意的成绩单,Belle And Sebastian一次又一次地把积极消极的情感化为甜美矫饰旋律,让自己不去思考该不该继续长大的烦恼,因为在这世界里我们早已拥有了Belle And Sebastian。

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

After the near-disaster of forced democracy on Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant and the stultifying holding pattern of the Storytelling soundtrack, where Todd Solondz brought out their worst tendencies, it seemed that Belle & Sebastian were disappearing into their own preciousness, but then something unexpected happened: they returned to form with 2003's Dear Catastrophe Waitress. This was unexpected not just because their last efforts suggested that B&S no longer could produce a consistently engaging work, but because their savior came in the guise of Trevor Horn, the man who successfully helped Yes turn new wave, the man best known for his synth-heavy productions of ABC and Frankie Goes to Hollywood, the man who was last heard producing everybody's favorite Russian teen lesbian duo, Tatu. That diverse resumé suggests that Horn knows how to play to a band's strengths, and he certainly helps Belle & Sebastian regain their focus and vision, turning Dear Catastrophe Waitress into one of the group's best albums. One of the reasons that album works so well is that the notion that the band has no leader has been discarded, with Stuart Murdoch thankfully serving as the lead singer and songwriter throughout the record. Murdoch's songs are firmly within the patented Belle & Sebastian style, and while it may be true that he's not stretching himself much as a writer, that doesn't matter because he sounds assured and confident, turning out a set of songs that are finely crafted and tuneful. It's among his catchiest work, if not quite his cleverest, since the words occasionally offer an overdose of whimsy that leads to queasiness. And that's where Horn comes in -- by keeping the focus on the tunes and subtly varying the production, he's made Dear Catastrophe Waitress the richest musical offering yet from Belle & Sebastian. If it doesn't quite have the timeless feel of If You're Feeling Sinister, so be it, since this is their first record since that defining album to offer a similarly rich listen, and that's quite a comeback for a band that only an album ago seemed to peak too early.