• 艺人:Daughter   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:4AD
  • 发行时间:2013-03-18
  • 类别:录音室专辑

If You Leave专辑介绍

签约4AD的伦敦三人组,由Elena Tonra担任女主唱兼吉他, Igor Haefeli负责吉他,Remi Aguilella负责打击乐器。Daughter于2010年出道,由Elena Tonra发起,并且开始录制DEMO,找来自己学院一起学习音乐的同学Igor Haefeli。俩人开始录制4首的EP《 His Young Heart》并于2011年4月自行发行,同时EP《The Wild Youth》也随之而来,就在2011年的年底第三位成员Remi Aguilella的加入,标志着乐队的组建完成。签约4AD后的情况使得Daughter的硬件环境更好,他们的首支打榜单曲“Smother”在BBC的 Radio 1、6Music、XFM等大型电台中热播,首张专辑也顺利进入录制阶段,请来制作人Rodaidh McDonald((The xx, Adele),混音师由Ken Thomas (Sigur Ros, M83)担任,并且在High Bank录音室和Abbey Road录音室完成。这样出来的作品,称的上是绝佳的酝酿。《If You Leave》以简约的歌名,整齐的10首歌曲来体现干净,简约的音乐风格。好听足以形容首张处女作品质。来赏吧。

Daughter have revealed details of their debut album which will see the light of day this Spring. The London-based trio of Elena Tonra, Igor Haefeli and Remi Aguilella will release If You Leave on March 18th 2013 through 4AD worldwide (April 30th in N. America via Glassnote).

If You Leave was recorded over a period of months at home and in various spaces across London. Production was overseen by Igor with additional production from Rodaidh McDonald (The xx, Adele) and Jolyon Vaughan Thomas (Maps), and mixed by Ken Thomas (Sigur Ros, M83) at High Bank Studio and mastered by Geoff Pesche at Abbey Road Studios.