• 艺人:Ride   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Sire
  • 发行时间:1990-10-15
  • 类别:录音室专辑


发起于八十年代末(My Bloody Valentine)兴盛于九十年代初期英国的Shoegazing运动中的楚翘乐队Ride最具概念性的一张专辑,也是被评论界公认为Shoegazing运动中的里程碑式专辑之一——近一个小时的旋律缥缈的吉他噪音宛如声音洪流一般将你吞没,带你进入一种半催眠的迷幻状态。(似乎没有其它音乐流派比Shoegazing更能对吉他噪音进行如此完整的诠释)就像专辑封面所呈现出的概念一样,看似波澜不惊的海面充满了细碎的波纹并且蕴藏着吞没一切的巨大能量,足以摧毁一个正常人的心智。

Nowhere seems to hold consensus as the second-best record of the shoegaze era, and with very good reason. All of the common words, phrases, and adjectives commonly used with the short-lived subgenre fit properly here, and they're all positive, every one of them. Whir, whoosh, haze, swirl, ad nauseum -- this record holds all of these elements at their most exciting and mastered. But in the end, great pop records necessitate quality songs, which Nowhere delivers throughout. Undeniably, it's Ride's zenith -- dense, tight, hypnotic. "Seagull" serves as a dynamic opener; after a couple seconds of light feedback, bassist Steve Queralt kicks in with a rubbery, elliptical line (reminiscent of a certain Beatles song), which is soon followed by Andy Bell and Mark Gardener's guitar twists and Loz Colbert's alternately gentle and punishing drumming. After the upbeat "Kaleidoscope," the record falls into a tempo lull that initially seems impenetrable and meandering. However, patience reveals a five-song suite of sorts, full of lovely instrumental passages that are punctuated with violent jabs of manic guitars. The endlessly escalating "Polar Bear" is a high point, featuring expertly placed tom rolls from Colbert. The tempo picks up for the closing "Vapour Trail," a wistful pop song with chiming background guitars galore and mournful strings to close it out. The U.S. version was bolstered significantly with the remainder of the Fall EP ("Dreams Burn Down" having reappeared earlier in the record). "Taste" is one of their finest pure pop numbers; the moody/driving "Here and Now" rates well, and the five-minute "Nowhere" is a nasty distorto-freakout. [Nowhere was remastered and reissued by Ignition U.K. in 2001. Added to the 11 tracks featured on Sire's U.S. edition are the four selections from the equally wondrous Today Forever.]