• 艺人:Knuckle Puck   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Rise Records
  • 发行时间:2015-07-31
  • 类别:录音室专辑


After releasing three successful EPs (Don’t Come Home; The Weight That You Buried; While I Stay Secluded), Chicago, Illinois pop-punk outfit Knuckle Puck are finally treating their fans to their very first full-length.

Titled as Copacetic, the album will hit stores July 31 via Rise Records.

When asked about the new record, Knuckle Puck guitarist Nick Casasanto explained that the title has a lot of personal emotions behind it.

“When we thought of the album title, we thought it was a way to say, ‘Okay, here’s an album of things I’m upset about and hurt over,’“ Casasanto says. "But at the end of the day, everything’s fine, everything’s copacetic, because you have to look at what you do have. I think it’s important, especially in this scene, not to magnify depression and wear it like a badge. You should use music to feel better.”