The Age of Adz专辑介绍
1975年的7月1日,密歇根州底特律城,Stevens夫妇在家门口发现了一个牛奶箱,里面装着一个用塑料纸包裹的婴儿,它的手腕上系着一张神秘的字条:‘I love you’,这个婴儿就是后来的Sufjan Stevens。可能成为我们这个世代最重要的Singer/Songwriter。Sufjan高中时学习双簧管,大学时专研斑鸠琴,随后不论是吉他、钢琴、手风琴、曼陀林、敲击乐器等,都成了Sufjan的精通范围。成为专职音乐家前,这名全才的乐器演奏能手也曾是科幻小说的作家与时代杂志的内页设计师。出道以来音乐风格之变化多端,与他精彩的职场履历恰可比拟。 Sufjan Stevens的第二张专辑《Enjoy Your Rabbit》以中国的十二生肖为题,玩的却是光怪陆离的电子即兴曲风;第四张专辑Seven Swans(音速青春2004十大专辑)以斑鸠琴为主导,笃信基督教的Sufjan透过缓慢的民谣曲势,探讨着宗教信仰、家庭价值与个人情感三者间的纠葛,词与曲皆充满着深度与力量。而第三张专辑《Michigan》与第五张专辑《Illinois》,则是Sufjan Stevens另一个异想天开却又让人拍案叫绝的音乐狂想。
The Age of Adz (pronounced Odds) is an upcoming album by Sufjan Stevens to be released October 12, 2010, by Asthmatic Kitty Records. It is Stevens' first song-based full length album in five years. According to Asthmatic Kitty, the album will feature a heavy use of electronics, augmented by heavy orchestration and will not have any conceptual underpinning. The album's title is a reference to the apocalyptic artwork of schizophrenic artist Royal Robertson. On August 27, 2010, Stevens debuted track four, "I Walked," via his Bandcamp site, allowing people to download the track. On September 9, 2010, he released track two, "Too Much," also via his Bandcamp site for free download.
The Age of Adz (pronounced Odds) is an upcoming album by Sufjan Stevens to be released October 12, 2010, by Asthmatic Kitty Records. It is Stevens' first song-based full length album in five years. According to Asthmatic Kitty, the album will feature a heavy use of electronics, augmented by heavy orchestration and will not have any conceptual underpinning. The album's title is a reference to the apocalyptic artwork of schizophrenic artist Royal Robertson. On August 27, 2010, Stevens debuted track four, "I Walked," via his Bandcamp site, allowing people to download the track. On September 9, 2010, he released track two, "Too Much," also via his Bandcamp site for free download.