• 发行时间:2019-05-20
  • 类别:EP/Single

Broken Diamond专辑介绍

匆匆忙忙地走着,却遗失了他曾视为钻石的世界。似真非真之中,一切依旧循环往复。 一切从这里开始。 The day he walked into dream,and lost his diamond.Everything as usual,but the diamond was broken. It's a beginning of his dream. I'll call U – Broken Diamond 制作 I'll call U,伍绍维@87Music 词曲 & 编曲 I'll call U 录音 & 混音 & 母带 伍绍维@87Music 摄影 方韩 美术设计 Yu Man Siu

Broken Diamond专辑歌曲