Atahualpa Yupanqui
吉他谱: 42 粉丝: 1
Atahualpa Yupanqui被称为阿根廷的民谣之父。Yupanqui生活于上个世纪初阿根廷的北部,早年时就开始文学创作和演唱民谣歌曲,并做了许多民间采集素材的工作,他不仅是位歌者、作家、吉他手、作曲家,也是一位抗争者,在他的一生中他出版过多本诗集反对统治者的暴行,其中1972年的诗集El payador perseguido在2007年被emi重新混音整理做成了一张“配乐诗朗诵”专辑,别有一番风味。50年代他还曾到过欧洲演出,并与许多知名音乐家合作。

真正值得拉美广大人民骄傲的是他们拥有一位朴实的民间歌手。Atahualpa Yupanqui继承了印第安歌人的无名传统与吟游歌手的流浪精神,在天地间游走,在穷人中栖身。对他来说,唱歌远远不只是谋生的职业,更是生命的需要,就像Atahualpa Yupanqui所唱的:“歌手活着就为了歌唱 / 为了亲历热烈的冒险生涯”。Atahualpa Yupanqui(1908-1992)生就一副黝黑印第安脸膛,他的歌声给人的感受无法用任何雅俗的传统音乐语汇去概括,因为那根本就是心灵的震颤,血液的流动,是附着音符的吶喊和陈述。他的咬字吐音带有并非模仿的乡下腔,那是风土民情跟不断飘泊对他的改造。

Atahualpa Yupanqui(1908.1.31-1992.5.23)被认为是20世纪阿根廷最重要的民间音乐家。

Yupanqui was born as Héctor Roberto Chavero Aramburo in Pergamino (Buenos Aires Province), in the Argentine pampas, about 200 kilometers away from Buenos Aires. His family moved to Tucumán when he was ten. In a bow to two legendary Incan kings, he adopted the stage name Atahualpa Yupanqui, which became famous the world over.

Yupanqui出生的埃克托尔罗伯托 ,距首都布宜诺斯艾利斯大约200公里。当他10岁时全家搬到图库曼市 。在图库曼市他为自己取了艺名Atahualpa Yupanqui,这个后来成为阿根廷标志之一的名字。

In his early years, Yupanqui travelled extensively through the northwest of Argentina and the Altiplano studying the indigenous culture. He also became radicalized and joined the Communist Party of Argentina. In 1931, he took part in the failed uprising of the Kennedy brothers in order to press the government de facto of Uriburu and to give air to the democratic radical project anti facist in support to Hipólito Yrigoyen and was forced to seek refuge in Uruguay. He returned to Argentina in 1934.
在他年轻的时候Yupanqui的足迹遍布了阿根廷的西北高原学习传统的阿根廷文化。那时他也成为“激进分子”并加入了阿根廷共产党。 1931年,他参加了后来起义失败的肯尼迪兄弟,反对执政政府的压迫。由于这个经历,Yrigoyen被迫流亡到乌拉圭寻求避难。直到1934年他才再次回到阿根廷。

In 1935, Yupanqui paid his first visit to Buenos Aires; his compositions were growing in popularity, and he was invited to perform on the radio. Shortly thereafter, he made the acquaintance of pianist Antonieta Paula Pepin Fitzpatrick, nicknamed "Nenette", who became his lifelong companion and musical collaborator under the pseudonym "Pablo Del Cerro".

1935年, Yupanqui他第一次来到布宜诺斯艾利斯,他的创作和歌曲越来越受到民众的喜爱,他应邀到电台上表演。此后不久,他认识了钢琴家Antonieta Paula Pepin Fitzpatrick(绰号大雁 ),这个成为他的终生伙伴的人。

Because of his Communist Party affiliation (which lasted until 1952), his work suffered from censorship during Juan Perón's presidency; he was detained and incarcerated several times. He left for Europe in 1949. Édith Piaf invited him to perform in Paris on 7th July, 1950. He immediately signed contract with “Chant Du Monde”, the recording company that published his first LP in Europe, “Miner I am”, which obtained the first prize of Best Foreign Disc of the Charles Gross Academy, which included three hundred fifty participants of all the continents in the Contest the International of Folklore. He subsequently toured extensively throughout Europe.

In 1952, Yupanqui returned to Buenos Aires. He broke with the Communist Party, which made it easier for him to book radio performances. While with Nenette they construct the house of the Colorado Hill (Cordoba), Yupanqui crosses the country.

1952年, Yupanqui返回布宜诺斯艾利斯。他退出了共产党,这使他能更容易在阿根廷公开演出。他与他的伙伴“大雁”在他深爱的科罗拉多山脚下(科尔多瓦市)过着朴素的生活 , 在乡村间演出。

Recognition of Yupanqui's ethnographic work became widespread during the 1960s, and nueva canción artists such as Mercedes Sosa and Jorge Cafrune recorded his compositions and made him popular among the younger musicians, who referred to him as Don Ata.
在20世纪60年代,Yupanqui的音乐和诗歌被大众普遍认可。南美“新歌运动”(见后记)的两位推行人Mercedes Sosa和Jorge Cafrune将Yupanqui的音乐介绍给大众,并被当时的年轻艺术家们尊称为导师。

Yupanqui alternated between houses in Buenos Aires and Cerro Colorado, Córdoba province. During 1963-1964, he toured Colombia, Japan, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, and Italy. In 1967, he toured Spain, and settled in Paris. He returned regularly to Argentina and appeared in Argentinísima II in 1973, but these visits became less frequent when the military dictatorship of Jorge Videla came to power in 1976. In February of 1968, Yupanqui was named Gentleman of the Arts and the Letters of France by the Ministry of Culture of that country, by the work realised throughout 18 years to act and to offer its Literature to the Gallic country. Some of his songs are included in the programs of Institutes and Schools where Castilian Literature is taught.
在1963-1964年,他的演出足迹遍及哥伦比亚,日本,摩洛哥,埃及,以色列和意大利。 1967年,他定居在巴黎。当然他定期的回到阿根廷做演出,但当军事独裁统治者豪尔赫魏德拉上台后(1976年),Yupanqui就很少回到他的祖国了。 1968年2月,Yupanqui被法国文化部授予艺术和文化终身成就奖,用以表彰他18年来对高卢国家的贡献。他的一些歌曲甚至被列入一些西班牙语研究机构和学校的教材。

In 1989, an important cultural center of France, the University of Nanterre, asked Yupanqui to write the lyrics of a Cantata to commemorate the Bicentennial of the French Revolution. The piece, entitled “The Sacred Word” (Parole Sacree), was released before high French authorities. It was not a recollection of historical facts but rather a tribute to all the oppressed towns that freed themselves. Yupanqui died in Nimes, France in 1992 at the age of 84; his remains were cremated and dispersed on his beloved Colorado Hill on 8th June, 1992.

1989年,法国政府邀请Yupanqui为一首合唱谱写歌词,以纪念法国大革命200周年。作品题为“The Sacred Word”。这不仅仅是一个历史事件的回忆,更重要的是唤醒所有仍然被压迫的民众获得自由得信念。 1992年,Yupanqui去世于法国南部小城尼姆,享年八十四岁。他的遗体被火化,1992年6月8日,Yupanqui的骨灰被撒在在他心爱的科罗拉多山脉。

1952年, Yupanqui返回布宜诺斯艾利斯。他退出了共产党,这使他能更容易在公开场合演出。他与他的同伴“大雁”一起住在科罗拉多山脚下(科尔多瓦市),往返在乡村间进行演出。

在20世纪60年代,Yupanqui的创作和歌曲广受大众喜爱。南美“新歌运动”的两位推动者艺术家如奔驰索沙和Jorge Cafrune记录其成分和使他深受年轻音乐家,谁称他为唐阿拉木图。

房屋Yupanqui轮流在布宜诺斯艾利斯和科罗拉多山,科尔多瓦省。在1963-1964年,他参观了哥伦比亚,日本,摩洛哥,埃及,以色列和意大利。 1967年,他参观了西班牙,定居在巴黎。他回到阿根廷和定期出现在Argentinísima二世于1973年,但这些访问时,不再那么频繁的军事独裁统治的豪尔赫魏德拉上台于1976年。 1968年2月,被任命为君子Yupanqui的艺术和信法国文化部的国家,各地的工作实现18年来采取行动,并提供其文学的高卢国家。他的一些歌曲被列入计划的研究机构和学校,卡斯蒂利亚文学教授。

1989年,一个重要的文化中心,法国,大学南泰尔,问Yupanqui写歌词的大合唱,以纪念200周年的法国大革命。作品题为“神圣的字眼” (假释Sacree ) ,被释放的前法国当局。这不是一个回忆的历史事实,而是向所有被压迫的城镇摆脱。 Yupanqui死于尼姆,法国在1992年,享年八十四岁,他的遗体被火化,并分散在他心爱的科罗拉多州的希尔1992年6月8日。

Atahualpa Yupanqui的吉他谱

El Alazan
唯hong1 1749 2 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
Los Ejes De Mi Carreta
唯hong1 2762 2 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
Los Tengo Rabia Al Silencio
淡蓝色的绿叶 2034 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Zamba De Vargas
淡蓝色的绿叶 1687 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
笼中鸟儿 2108 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
笼中鸟儿 2447 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
笼中鸟儿 1801 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Danza De La Paloma Enamorada
炉心融解 2316 2
La Milonga Perdida
炉心融解 2001 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
La Pobricita
炉心融解 2152 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Adios Tucuman
炉心融解 2115 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Camino del Indio
炉心融解 1988 0 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
Cancio Del Abuelo No 1
炉心融解 1510 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Cancio Del Abuelo No 2
炉心融解 1408 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Cancion de los Horneros
炉心融解 2153 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Cancion del Enterriano
炉心融解 4317 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Danza de la Paloma Enamorada
炉心融解 2281 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
El Alazan
炉心融解 1825 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
El Aromo
炉心融解 1514 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
El Arriero Va
炉心融解 1608 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他