吉他谱: 161 粉丝: 2

2002年Atreyu的首张专辑《Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses》横空出世,小伙子们也终于冲出了自己的老家橘子郡。这一切犹如闪电划过寂静的夜空,使处在梦境中的人们突然被惊醒 ,仿佛所有的目光刹那间都投向了他们,就这样Atreyu带着自己飞扬青春的上路了。那是张十分出色的处女专辑,也是一针不折不 扣的强心剂。从乐队发言人的电视采访中可以得出结论,他们只是些单纯的孩子,只想找些听众来一起分享自己所关注的东西,分享五花 八门的各种感觉,如此而已,并没有其他任何奢望。
《Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses》的制作比较精良,几乎每一处细节都处理得恰到好处,金属、硬核、传统摇滚有机地融合在一起,不但丝丝入扣耐人寻味 ,而且显得那样包容,突然我有种想被音乐熔化的欲望,尽管我知道此想法并不怎么真实。主唱Alex Varkatzas尖利的嗓音极具穿透力,有些使人不自然地畏惧痛楚,不过不要紧,也许他们要的就是这种效果,因为只有这样才能 把歌词的内涵表达得更加具体、深刻。在鼓手Brandon Saller的猛烈敲击下,Alex的咆哮变得更加阴郁,转瞬间烘托出一种无比惨烈的气氛,总之一切的一切足以使人彻底疯掉。另 外专辑中还有些亮点儿,比如 “;Ain't Love Grand”;有种使人窒息的功效;“;Someone's Standing on My Chest”;则把欢快、愤怒等情绪混合在一起,营造出一种腾云驾雾般的快感。
一系列的巡演生涯使他们倍受瞩目,专辑的销售量也随即一路狂飚,就连各类花边新闻都经常出现在媒体的头版头条。是的,正如你 所料,Atreyu已经彻底走红了。《LA Times》、《Guitar World》、《Metal Maniacs》等大牌杂志纷纷对其进行了跟踪报道:“;这支来自南加州的五人乐队重新诠释了‘一夜成名’的概念”;。目前,《Su icide Notes and Butterfly Kisses》依然在热卖,并且丝毫没有放缓的迹象,这大概就是电视里常说“;名人效应”;,看起来还真有那么点儿意思。随着《Th e Curse》的发行,整个局势似乎更加一目了然,Atreyu的音乐依然弥漫着独特的个人魅力,并严重超出了人们的预期效果。
2003年晚些时候Atreyu终于安顿了下来,留在家里创作并录制了自己的第二张专辑《The Curse》,用他们的话来讲整个过程更像一次劳动改造。Alex解释说:“;我们在货车中度过了两年时间,好象无时无刻都在离家 远去,当亲人或朋友面临危险的时候,自己却有心无力帮不上什么忙,那种感觉简直糟透了。货车中的生活让我们同外界失去联系,剩下 的只是满载的创伤与痛苦的经历”;。“;当我们回到家里创作此专辑时,所有的感觉一下子都涌了出来,另外还伴随着一些稀奇古怪的想法 ,大概这就是真正意义上的洗礼”;。值得一提的是在此期间贝司手Chris Thomson离开了乐队,其后该位置由他们的老朋友Marc McKnight补上。
《The Curse》由Garth(Rage Against The Machine、Testament的制作人)负责。Alex说:“;Garth十分相信大家,听了乐队的小样后便开始与我们合作 。进了录音棚我才知道,他的某些想法竟然和我们不谋而合”;。整张专辑由13首风格各异的作品组成,“;Crimson”;描述了有关 吸血鬼的传说;“;Remembrance Ballad”;则是对简洁生活的思考;“;My Sanity On The Funeral Pyre”;讲的是偏执狂与正常人思维方式上的差异。据Alex宣称,“;You Eclipsed By Me”;是其中最为个人化的音乐。“;这首歌中充满了对比,我的创伤也在歌词里若隐弱现,虽然懊悔与痛苦并未出现在字里行间,但是某 些阴影却始终挥之不去”;。
随着这张专辑的问市,乐队的名声也跟着家喻户晓。《Guitar World》、《Metal Edge》等杂志再度将Atreyu的消息列在首要位置,接着他们顺理成章地成为Ozzfest音乐节的表演佳宾,所有的一切都 在暗示《The Curse》一定大卖,并将为乐队带来更多的关注与支持。专辑中乐器和人声的配合可谓巧妙之极,虽然稍显阴暗,但却十分凄美,仿 佛有种难以启齿的悲苦,可又叫人不知从何说起。如果说《Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses》的出现让他们冲出了南加州,那么《The Curse》的成功必将把他们推向全世界。
在2004年Ozzfest摇滚音乐节上,Atreyu重新演绎了Bon Jovi、Black Sabbath等前辈的经典作品,尽管很多地方被他们改得面目全非,可场面依然火暴,气氛依然热烈,并且高潮一浪接着一浪。虽说 此举带有一定的颠覆性,但却不能称之为亵渎“;那是在向他们致敬,我不会放掉任何一个可以痛扁经典的机会,因为这感觉实在太棒了”; !Alex仍然没完没了喋喋不休。说到这里,已经无须浪费笔墨了,众所周知,其实他们才是这个时代的主角。《Right Side of the Bed》的音乐再度响起,Atreyu已经粉墨登场了,然后我听见Alex大吼一声,接着深蓝色的牛仔裤飞满全场,不由得让我眼 花缭乱。不,请等等,这些都没什么出奇的,我还看见一位金发美女正在用口红涂抹着艳丽的双唇,也许正如他们所说,这些性感的套路 都是从Scorpions那里学来的…;…;

Coming out of Southern California during the rap-metal explosion around the turn of the century, Atreyu crafted a sound much closer to Agnostic Front or Hatebreed. The metalcore quintet was formed by Brandon Saller (drums/vocals), Dan Jacobs (guitar), Chris Thomson (bass), Travis Miguel (guitar), and Alex Varkatzas (vocals). Their warped, detuned guitars are matched by pounding drums and acidic vocals, which give the material an edge otherwise absent from their sludge metal. Atreyu released various demos, including the seven-song EP Visions, in the late 90s before commerically debuting with the Fractures in the Facade of Your Porcelain Beauty EP on Tribunal in late 2001; the full-length Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses appeared the next year on Victory. Touring almost nonstop in support of the record, the group faced lineup changes as bassist Marc McKnight replaced Thomson before the recording of their follow-up. Atreyus second full-length, The Curse, surfaced in June 2004 and went on to sell over 300,000 copies; it was re-released with an accompanying DVD a year later. The guys hit the road hard, playing 2004s Ozzfest and 2005s Warped Tour, in addition to headlining their own successful world tour. They contributed a track to 2006s soundtrack to Underworld: Evolution and were near the top of the billing for the years Taste of Chaos tour, alongside the Deftones and Thrice. Their next effort, A Death Grip on Yesterday, was issued in late March 2006 and hit number nine on the Billboard charts. Following a summer spent headlining the second stage at the years Ozzfest, Atreyu jumped into the major label waters over at Hollywood Records, leaving an early 2007 best-of collection as their Victory farewell. Their Hollywood debut, Lead Sails Paper Anchor, followed later in the year.


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