Susan Boyle
吉他谱: 3 粉丝: 1
Susan Boyle的艺人档案

Susan Boyle(中文名:苏珊·波伊尔),47岁,来自苏格兰中南部的布莱克本 西洛锡安一个其貌不扬的小镇。2009年4月11日,却在电视选秀节目《英国达人》(Britain's Got Talent 2009)初选登台演出中一鸣惊人,演唱音乐剧《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)中的歌曲《我曾有梦》(I Dreamed a Dream)。2009年5月30日晚在伦敦举行的决赛上,苏珊·博伊尔在决赛中夺得第二名。胜出的是来自英格兰东部埃塞克斯郡的跳舞组合“;多样化”;(Diversity)。他们是10名12至25岁的年轻人。

苏珊在地方教堂从事慈善工作,12岁开始唱歌,一直梦想成为伊莲·佩姬(Elaine Paige)一样的职业歌唱家。刚开始,苏珊·波伊尔一走上台,根本没人想听她唱歌,从头土到脚不说,台下观众还一副想看她笑话的表情,就别提超尖酸刻薄的评审西蒙·考威尔,不停问话嘲讽她想让她出糗,甚至表明她住的乡下地方,连听都没听过。

但是,当苏珊才开口唱出舞台剧“悲惨世界”的名曲“I Dreamed a Dream”,全场只能用欢声雷动、从头尖叫鼓掌到尾来形容,许多电视机前面的妇女同胞们,还不断打电话进电视台,说自己边看边哭,其中也包括好莱坞大明星黛咪·摩尔。


by James Christopher Monger
Amateur vocalist Susan Boyle became an overnight sensation after appearing on the first round of 2009's popular U.K. reality show Britain's Got Talent. Boyle, who was born in Blackburn, West Lothian, Scotland in 1961, caught the judges (and the world) off guard with her masterful rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical Les Misérables, due in part to the unemployed and undeniably plain church volunteer's "salt of the earth" demeanor and country spinster backstory. Boyle attempted a singing career in 1999, recording a handful of demos that showcased her rich and expressive voice, but chose to look after her aging mother instead of pursue the dream full-time. Within hours of her appearance on Britain's Got Talent, Boyle was not only an Internet sensation, she was a world-wide phenomenon.

Susan Boyle的吉他谱

Mad World
第二世 2222 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
The End of the World(节奏型Ⅱ)
小鱼吉他屋 6674 0 2014-10-17
The End of the World(节奏型Ⅰ)
小鱼吉他屋 9071 0 2014-10-17