Andy Timmons
吉他谱: 48 粉丝: 46
Andy Timmons的艺人档案

Andy Timmons出生于美国德克萨斯州(TEXAS),他五岁开始习吉他,六岁正式登台演出,二十岁加入重金属名团“Danger Danger”,出版了三张作品,并登表过数张个人专辑,深受乐界好评,可说是美国摇滚金属吉他界里的中流砥柱,当时乐手都沉迷于速度的快感,这位全方位吉他大师,仍旧认为“感觉”的重要。再加上Andy曾担任美国吉他学院(GIT)的讲师,足证明他实力的不凡。
Andy在大学时代曾主修过古典乐与爵士乐,后来更朝向蓝调音乐领域发展,在如此丰富的历练之下,不久后果然受到青睐,并且加入Danger Danger担任吉他手一职,在发行了两张专辑之后,Andy决定离团,开始迈向个人演奏事业之路,1995年发表的首张solo专辑“ear X-Tacy”,被权威杂志“Guitar World”喻为是一张吉他演奏经典之作,随后更获得EML/VJRGIN与日本Sony 唱片的合约,Andy的演奏事业从此便平步青云。
他的音乐不同于Yngwie Malmsteen与Tony Macalpine 的古典音阶奏法,而是美式的叙情派摇滚风格,此外,他也能够弹奏出惊鸿一瞥般的吉他神技,如专辑“ear X-Tacy 2” 中的新古典速弹”Groove Or Die”,其超高技巧的快速sweep 与泛音技术,再加上电吉他最重要的干净闷音,不知打死多少基本功不够,却号称速弹派的二流角色。
本人非常喜欢这样剧有情绪化的吉他手 喜欢Ibanez Anniversary 90中的表现 有些人说他是录音棚吉他我不这么认为像他那样轻松弹奏高速音阶编曲有味道的真是不多

                                                        by  Bradley Torreano
Known for his reliability and optimism, session wiz Andy Timmons is one of the most well-respected and talented musicians to have worked the sideman circuit. Timmons got his start at the age of 13, forming his first band in Evansville, IN. He realized that there was a career in being a session musician very early on, and used examples like Steve Lukather to base his goals on. He studied classical guitar and jazz guitar, eventually finding his way to Dallas to begin promoting himself as a virtuoso. He became well-known enough to land a gig with hair metal newcomers Danger Danger, and the group kept him on for almost four years. In that time, he managed to spread the word of his talents around while touring with groups like Kiss, and when he struck out on his own again in 1993, he had a wealth of experience in the industry to draw from. His subsequent releases were steady and filled with variety, from the straight guitar rock of Ear X-Tacy (his 1994 debut) to his later experiments with psychedelic pop and blues. On top of that, he became one of the ace studio musicians in the country, working for Paula Abdul, Paul Stanley, Olivia Newton-John, Kip Winger, and countless others. He also served as the guitarist for many other tours and live performances, most notably with Newton-John, the Beach Boys, and LeAnn Rimes. Timmons' vast talents have kept him afloat for many years, and his continued success is almost guaranteed just by the sheer amount of work he is willing to put into the job he obviously loves.

Andy Timmons的吉他谱

The Prayer The Answer
winight 2013 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
The Prayer The Answer
winight 5920 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
The Princess
winight 1219 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
The Spoken And The Unspoken
winight 1459 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
There Are No Words
winight 8326 1 2
GTP谱 电吉他 民谣吉他
Electric Gypsy
炉心融解 33200 1 2
GTP谱 电吉他 bass 和声分析 电吉他 贝司
Cry For You
炉心融解 19266 3 5
GTP谱 总谱 乐队版 和声分析 电吉他 贝司 钢琴 鼓
炉心融解 5332 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 乐队版 和声分析 电吉他 贝司 鼓