欢迎来到漂流街——“一条你永远离不开的街” 曾经你在这里撒下了童年,后来带上好奇、向往,出走,离开亲人的视线后,你的背影融进城市的霓虹之中。你路过怀抱软弱孩子的妈妈,经过温馨的家和那些还拥有青春的人们,风带着云,在翻山越岭后,在暗夜的曲线下,穿梭,衰老。在你觉得一无所有时,却常常想起你漂流的起点——每个人都拥有自己的漂流街。§乐队风格:Indie Music( 独立音乐) 情感元素:探知、独立、浪漫、扭曲、反省、善良樂隊簡介: 2003年——第三次海湾战争爆发;全球反战大游行,守夜祈和平活动在各地上演;非典爆发,WHO发布全球警报;中国第四代领导集体正式接班;党中央将“三个代表”重要思想写入宪法;三峡大坝开始蓄水;侵华日军遗弃在华化学毒剂泄漏事件;张国荣自杀;杨利伟乘神州五号成为中国太空第一人……【乐队的发起人原主唱锋利和吉他手苏健勋为寻找懵懂而未知的自由,一起从广东顺德出发前往北京迷笛音乐学院求学。在北方多元化的氛围当中,他们两张白纸一边努力学习一边暗下决心要在学成后回南方组建自己的乐队】 2006年——冥王星不再被列为太阳系行星;伊拉克陷入内战,美国民主党重夺参众两院控制权;党中央在全社会尤其是青少年中大力倡导“八荣八耻”;青藏铁路全线开通……【锋利和苏健勋毕业回到广州一年内,在吸纳了贝斯手乃管和原鼓手阿才后正式成立了乐队,定名:漂流街,以摇滚乐奏响唯美的开端。在历经人事变换之后,2007年云游诗人陈步云走进漂流街成为了主唱,孕育了《暗蓝》、《凋谢的向日葵》等初期作品。2008年,从重型音乐中逃离的鼓手钟扬被漂流街收留,再吸纳了键盘手翁文岚后,《海洋公园》、《K128》等作品诞生】 2012年——第二大近地小行星爱神星与地球擦肩而过;欧盟开始征收国际航空碳排放税;好奇号着陆火星;国务院批准设立地级三沙市;辽宁舰建造完成;莫言获诺贝尔文学奖;党中央出台八项规定,改进工作作风……【漂流街仍然活跃着的成员们在经历原地踏步、茫然出走的滩涂后,确立了以独立的摇滚信念、清晰的编曲歌词及诚实的音乐态度,为逝去的青春留下痕迹为目标。在总结正确的创作模式后,短期内完成了《今世》、《此时此刻》、《默默离开》等新作品,并全面改版了《重返漂流街》、《忧郁的四季》等早期作品】 2013年上半年——俄罗斯发生陨石坠落事件;欧洲发生“马肉丑闻”;朝鲜第三次核试验;日首相安倍晋三访美;韩国首位女总统朴槿惠宣誓就职;美国波士顿国际马拉松赛事发生爆炸案;非洲人均GDP首次突破1000美元;四川省雅安市发生7.0级地震;党中央新任领导人提出集中解决“四风”问题……【乐队在广州BAND村录制好首张专辑《默默离开》,以第三届广州430音乐节为契机,踏上了永无句号的旅程……】 Streetlight Background 2003, when 3rd gulf war out broke; World-wide Anti-war march and night prayers were everywhere; SARS making WHO issued a global warning; 4th generation of Chinese leaders toke over; The Party Central Committee put “3 Represents” into the constitution; Sanxia Dam started to retain water; Japanese invasion troops abandoned chemical leakage incident; Leslie Cheung committed suicide; Yang Liwei becoming the first Chinese went into space by riding ShenZhou-5. 【The founder of the band and the lead singer Feng Li, was going from Guangdong Shunde to Beijing Midi School of Music for study with the guitarist Su Jianxun, looking for their freedom in their undetermined mind.】 2006, Pluto was removed from the list of planets of solar system; Iraq suffered from civil war; Democrats regained control of the power; The Party Central Committee started to advocate “eight honors and eight disgraces” among the youths; Railway to Tibet commissioned. 【Within a year after Feng Li and Su Jianxun came back from their study, with the bass Nai Guan joining and the former drummer Cai came back, they formed a band called Streetlight, channeling to beauty with rock and roll. After people changes, in 2007 the bard Chen Buyun joining Streetlight as lead singer, having , as their early product. In 2008, after the drummer Zhong Yang was toke in from heavy music, and the keyboard Weng Wenlan was absorb to the band, , were born.】 2012, the second largest near earth asteroid Eros was kissing earth’s shoulder; European Union started to tax on international flight’s carbon emission; The Curiosity landed on Mars; The State Council approved the establishment of Sansha city; Liaoning carrier commissioned; Mo Yan won the the Nobel Prize in Literature; The Party Central Committee announced eight regulations to improve professional ethics……【The active members of streetlight, through pacing around and left with blank, determined their independent rock and roll faith, clarify their songs and lyrics for honest attitudes, with the goal of painting marks for the long gone youth. After committed to the correct patern, they finished new works like , , , and redid some earlier works like , .】 First half of 2013, a meteorolite fell into Russia; Horse meat incident in EU; North Korea had their third nuclear trials; Japan prime minister Shinzo visited US; First female president of South Korea Park Geun-hye made her sworn in; Boston explosion during Marathon; GDP per capita in Africa exceeded 1000USD; Ya An city in Si Chuan province experienced 7.0 earthquake; The Party Central Committee leader proposed solving the “four attitudes” issues……【The band recorded its first album , using the 430 music fest as their first and endless voyage.】 Welcome to streetlight---“a street that you can’t leave”Where you left your childhood, bringing curiosity and yearning, leaving from family’s sight, blending into the rainbow of the cities.Passing by a mother holding her soft baby, passing by the warm families, passing those who still having youth, like the wind takes the cloud with them, climbing over mountains, in the shape of the night, shuttle, aged. When you feeling empty, you always think of the start of your voyage, everyone has their own streetlight.