Abyssic Hate
吉他谱: 5 粉丝: 3
ABYSSIC HATE是澳大利亚的一支老牌乐队,要追溯它的历史,我们可以回溯到1993年,那时ABYSSIC HATE还是一支单人组合。在ABYSSIC HATE的音乐中,我们可以很容易发现他们的新纳粹主义倾向,“;地球上99、9%的人都应该被消灭”;是乐队的一句“;名言”;因为许多原因,ABYSSIC HATE的大多数作品都是在很小的范围内发行的,他们的DEMO通常音质粗糙,虽然在乐队成员看来十分满意,但毕竟那些弱智们不能领会其中精髓。不仅如此ABYSSIC HATE自称是一支ANTI-HUMAN BLACK METAL乐队,他们有坚定的信仰,这也是为什么他们能长时间屹立不倒的原因。‘CLEANSING OF ANCIENT RACE’是乐队的第一张DEMO,发行于1994年10月,这张只发行了100份的DEMO在当年就全部售出。虽然DEMO的音质极端的粗糙(混音只用了12小时),而且乐队当时也处于十分地下的状态,但作品还是‘不幸’的得到了不错的反馈,两家德国公司NO COLOURS RECORDS和DARKER THAN BLACK都开始和乐队联系。

在这之后,乐队又自己录制了一盘名为DEPRESSION的磁带,但乐队对这些作品并不满意,所以并没有将之发行,只是在乐队的好友们之间小范围流传。但这些歌曲大多都收录在其后发行的作品中。Life is a Pain in the Neck是乐队自认为最好的作品,但它奇迹般地只发行了10份拷贝!!!!!!这表明了乐队完全的地下态度。这盘56分钟的磁带非常的出色,带有很强的地下感觉,堪称一部地下史诗性著作。乐队‘[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] HUMANS’的观点再次被完全的展现在作品中。(我想这也是为什么没有官方发行的原因之一吧?)这张作品中的三首歌被收录在NOCOLOURS RECORDS出版的乐队新专辑的LP版本中。之后,乐队和挪威的DET HEDENSKE FOLK乐队(由IMMORTAL的ABBATH和EMPEROR的现场BASS手TYR组成)一起出版了一张叫做‘UNITED BY HEATHEN BLOOD’的SPILT CD。乐队又将早期的DEMO重新混音后发行。接下来,他们好像进入了休眠期,几年都没什么动静。在漫长的等待之后,乐队突然在DARKER THAN BLACK发行了一张20分钟的MCD,纯粹,粗糙,原始,乐队似乎回到了光荣的1991年,那时他们还是不为人知的地下战士。在MCD中,乐队翻唱了著名的ABSURD乐队的歌曲,这是在向ABSURD的音乐和他们坚定的地下精神致敬。此专辑是06年出版的精选性质专辑

Abyssic Hate was formed as a one-man project back in the year 1993... and continues to be so to this day. The concept of Abyssic Hate revolves around the incessant belief [which is proven correct time and time again by the various sub-humans who exist on this worthless planet] that: '99.9% of humans should be terminated'. The human race is the most absolute abomination in the history of creation, and with an exceedingly small amount of redeemable features.

Most releases of Abyssic Hate are produced in extremely limited amounts for various reasons. Quite often the production quality of these demos is very poor, and although it is more than satisfactory to the creator's ears, the general human pubic like to echo the voice of their idols. Simply put, Abyssic Hate is above criticism from some pathetic teenage human whose 'claim to metal fame' is some worthless 'zine or some thoughtless demo. May they rot in their world of Dimmu Borgir, Impaled Nazarene and Cradle of Filth. As this is an 'anti-human black metal' project, is seems only natural to limit the availability of such misanthropic releases to this ugly species.

Several recordings have been created over the past years, so it may appropriate to quickly catalogue these for those curious:

Cleansing of an Ancient Race - Extremely rough-sounding demo which was produced in a 'proper' 24-track studio. This recording brings out a similar hatred to that of early black metal Darkthrone and although released in only 100 copies, the response was unfortunately amazing... but it was also embraced by the 'underground', which was welcome news, and it led to the deals with cult labels Darker Than Black and No Colours, both in Germany. Recorded and mixed in twelve hours, released in October 1994, sold out by the completion of the year.

Depression - This unreleased tape catalogued some music which was written shortly after Cleansing of an Ancient Race and in a similar vein. This sound of this was very flat, and so it was never released except to good friends and long time allies of the project. All of these songs either ended up on later recordings or changed so much over the course of time they more or less became new songs.

Life is a Pain in the Neck - Limited to only 10 copies, this is one of the most superior recordings of Abyssic Hate. The production of this 56-minute cassette is quite good [with a strong underground feeling] and the songs are truly epic. Due to the lack of vocals which many beings seem to have a problem with, the attitude 'fuck humans' was adopted again and the tape was never 'officially' released. These three tracks are to be re-recorded and released as the upcoming Suicidal Emotions LP on No Colours.

United by Heathen Blood - When Det Hedenske Folk suggested this release, it seemed like a good idea - and indeed it was! Two bands who were united against Christianity and commercialism in metal on the one release. The demos of both bands were featured on this CD (Det Hedenske Folk's remixed demo, Abyssic Hate's re-mastered demo) and for the first time, it was printed in an unlimited amount to satisfy any human interest in either project. The demo of Abyssic Hate was cleaned up slightly for this CD release, although its original raw qualities are still strikingly sharp in comparison to most 'extreme' bands.

Eternal Damnation - This release had been planned some years ago and there were many delays [from Abyssic Hate]. After seemingly endless problems, with pride it was released on Darker Than Black, and it contained 20 minutes of basic pure, harsh, evil noise! This mCD was limited to 500 copies and has one of the most ugly sounds ever heard. Fast, primitive and hateful, it was a return to the glory days of 1991. The release was quickly hated by almost everyone - perfect! Abyssic Hate's purpose is to inspire such emotions, and if it produced unlimited hate, then the purpose was achieved! A cover version of a track by Absurd was included as both a tribute to their inspiring musical creations and also to hail their many years of work in the underground.

Betrayed - This track was never officially put down onto any recording in the past for some reason. No Colours required an unreleased [if possible] track for the No Colours Compilation Vol. 2 CD, so the perfect opportunity became available to highlight this important track. Slow, depressing, profound sorrow - if one human can terminate their life to this song, then it has indeed been the most successful recording to date for Abyssic Hate. Betrayed was also produced in cassette form for Australia, due to its limited availability under the Southern Cross. This track will appear on the LP after Suicidal Emotions [working title: Medication LP - although this could be changed in the future].

Suicidal Emotions - It can now be announced that after many years of work, the debut full length of Abyssic Hate has been released on No Colours. Featuring three tracks of total depressive qualities, this album is a one-hour funeral of pure sorrow and endless despair. Suicidal Emotions is beyond any criticism and beyond all praise - this is more than music, but a genuine link to the gateway of self-destruction. EMPTY THE EARTH!

Here are a few quotes [some thought provoking, and others not so] which have been inspiring over the years. More will be added as they take effect...

'I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species, and I realised that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with his surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and, you multiply - and multiply until every natural resource is consumed, and the only way you can survive, is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus - human beings are a virus, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague - and we are the cure!' [taken from the film, The Matrix.]

'Any creation of the mind can be considered a virus - dead by itself, living only within a host.' [taken from the CD Coma Virus - Hidden.]

'We would like to see most of the human race killed off because it is unworthy, it is unworthy of the gift of life. A bloodbath would be a cleansing and a purification of a planet that has been dirtied and degraded for too long.' [taken from the CD Meat Shits - Ecstasy of Death.]

'Beware the beast man for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or lust, or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home, and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.' [taken from the film Planet of the Apes.]

'From the evidence, man's wisdom must walk hand in hand with his idiocy. His emotions must rule his brain, he must be a war-like creature who gives battle to everything around him, including himself.' [taken from the film Planet of the Apes.]

'Don't let me die in an automobile, I want to lie in an open field, I want the snakes to suck my skin, I want the worms to be my friends, I want the birds to eat my eyes, as here I lie, in the clouds I lie.' [J. Morrison.]

'When you're wounded and left, on Afghanistan's plains / And the women come out, to cut up your remains / Just roll on your rifle, and blow out your brains / And go to your Gawd, l ike a soldier.' [Rudyard Kipling.]

'Men are weak! The race of men has faded. Its pride and dignity forgotten. There is no strength left in the world of men. They are scattered, divided – leaderless.' [taken from the film The Fellowship of the Ring.]

'An iron will is the will to succeed.' [Howitzer of Gospel of the Horns.]

Abyssic Hate的吉他谱

zx兽兽兽 919 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
Depression Part 1
笼中鸟儿 1350 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓
Depression Part 1
笼中鸟儿 1227 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓
Depression Part 2
笼中鸟儿 1111 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓
笼中鸟儿 925 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 鼓