吉他谱: 33 粉丝: 3

旋律死亡这种风格发展至今已经出现了太多的娘娘腔乐队,这些乐队和死亡金属的初衷越走越远,体现出向力量金属靠拢的发展趋势,甚至让人觉得“;旋律死亡”;这个名词完全是杜撰出来的,实际上它就是唱死嗓的力量金属(Harsh Vocal Power Metal)。然而还是有少数乐队坚持着极端金属的身份,他们的存在证明了旋律死亡仍然是极端金属范畴内的,美国年轻乐队ARSIS就是其中的佼佼者。其04年的首张作品A Celebration of Guilt可谓技惊四座,被很多极端金属媒体列入年度最佳行列,随之而来的荣誉并未冲昏乐队的头脑,之后的A Diamond for Disease EP仍然展现出旺盛的生命力,而今年的新作United in Regret更向人们展示出一个更强大的ARSIS。打头的Oh, the Humanity就是当头一棒,另人振奋不已,之后的每支歌曲同样都有着缜密的编排和高超的演奏技巧,密集而技术化的riff像沙尘暴一般毫无怜悯地卷来,音乐的每个细节中都渗透着诸多金属前辈的影响和熏陶——从DEATH、SLAYER到CANNIBAL CORPSE、CARCASS。ARSIS确实是支集大成的乐队,对传统死亡、激流、瑞典死亡、残忍死亡都有吸收和摒弃,非常懂得博采众长、为我所用,并很善于把握各种元素的平衡,于是最终造就的是一张死亡金属的时代精华——这才是当今的死亡金属应该是的样子。我们有理由相信,ARSIS绝不是昙花一现的乐队,他们就是新生代极端金属的中坚力量,就是明日的DEATH、SLAYER、CANNIBAL CORPSE。

Formed in 2000 by a violinist and a double bassist, Virginia-based death and thrash metal outfit Arsis -- a musical term that relates to the original concept of "arsis and thesis," meaning up and down beats, to be more exact -- got their start in Boston by Berklee College of Music students and friends James Malone (the violinist) and Michael Van Dyne, arguably more as a time filler rather than a serious project. With Van Dyne taking up drumming duties (he'd spent time studying drum performance) and Malone handling all the other duties of the group, Arsis recorded their first demo in 2001, and a follow-up in 2002. After playing a handful of live shows and getting some exposure for their well-received demos, Arsis became a full-time -- not to mention serious -- project, signing their first record deal -- with Willowtip Records -- in 2004. Their debut for the indie label, A Celebration of Guilt, won them high honors in the metal music press, even earning comparisons to genre legends At the Gates -- specifically their final album, Slaughter of the Soul. Arsis also began their first bout of touring in support of their work at this point, filling out their live ranks with session musicians -- a setup that would continue for a number of years. In 2005, Arsis released the EP A Diamond for Disease, which not only won them even more critical praise, but whose title track was requisitioned by a ballet company in New York, the Ballet Deviare.

Arsis began recordings on their next full-length in 2006. The album, United in Regret, was a more technical affair, produced by Daath guitarist Eyal Levi, and would help secure the band a deal with Nuclear Blast. Although the band had now reached new heights in the national metal scene, including shared stages and tours with such names as Enslaved, Goatwhore, and Cephalic Carnage, drummer -- and founder, it must be noted -- Michael Van Dyne decided to call it a day. Although down to just one official member, Arsis were ready to push forward. Composer, vocalist, and guitarist James Malone quickly rebounded, putting together a more standard-format full-time band, taking on drummer Darren Cesca, guitarist Ryan Knight, and United in Regret sessions bassist Noah Martin. (For a brief time, due to Malone losing his voice, Mike Parks took on vocal duties for Arsis. By 2007, Malone was back on the mike, and the band had decided to part ways amicably with Parks.) Arsis returned to the fore with their 2008 full-length, We Are the Nightmare, which followed in the footsteps of their previously recorded work, earning them critical praise and helping to shore up higher numbers in their nationwide fan base. A tour with legendary thrash pioneers Exodus was planned for January of that year.


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