Cute Is What We Aim For
吉他谱: 11 粉丝: 1
*Atlantic旗下庞克名厂Fueled By Ramen最受瞩目的新发行
* "打断脚骨颠倒勇"的不羁狂妄气势火力全开!
* 另类摇滚派大制作John Feldmann(Lost Prophet、Good Charlotte)接下新作制作大任!
2006年,以首张专辑《The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch》为庞克名厂Fueled By Ramen(以下简称FBR)缔造公司有史以来销售最快速的新专辑纪录,成为FBR麾下另一支迅速蔓延的庞克乐团,Cute Is What We Aim For声势从此扶摇直上!
由主唱Shaant Hacikyan、吉他手Jeffrey Czum、鼓手Tom Falcone、贝斯手Dave Melillo四位洋溢活泼的团员所组成的CIWWAF,崛起自纽约水牛城,2005年与FBR结缘,来年夏天即发行首张专辑。一开始乐团的路走得并不顺遂,先是面临被网友指控为虚有其表、毫无实力的团体,甚至专辑有修片剽窃的嫌疑,却反倒因为这一切的舆论而使得乐团知名度飙升。后来又被经纪人控诉擅自调动团员、对他不仁不义。不过,尽管负面消息不停出现,CIWWAF却依然受到知名杂志的推崇,拿下Blender杂志2007年"百大热门年度艺人排行榜"第83名、滚石杂志"10大必看艺人之一"等排行,成为知名摇滚杂志Alternative Press的封面人物、光荣进入"百大乐团之一",被盛赞是继Fall Out Boy后最优秀的乐团,更被纽约时报形容为"2006年Emo庞克的缩影"!
如今,在经过两年岁月的磨练之后,CIWWAF再度带来2008年新作《Rotation》、以音乐证明一切、要乐坛风水轮流转!首先,乐团前去向另类摇滚派大制作John Feldmann拜码头(Story Of The Year、Lostprophets、Good Charlotte),请他接下制作大任,首支主打单曲<Practice Makes Perfect>,如题所传递,以着铁杵磨成绣花针般的毅力、堆出这首让人朗朗上口、爱不释手的歌曲;以鼓、吉他、及贝斯的急速相互交迭出的<Doctor>,治愈每位体内无法跳动的细胞;<Navigate Me>像被卷进7级暴风圈般的漂流无助、以振奋人心的器乐相互扶持、抚慰心中丧失雷达定位的心碎人;你总是个驴蛋输家吗?<Loser Can Win>肯定能拾起你的信心、激起未曾展现的耀眼光芒;藉由<Fake>一曲,乐团诏告天下他们是如假包换的真庞克,"打断脚骨颠倒勇"的不羁狂妄气势火力全开;以欢愉的喇叭、古典吉他音符所点燃的<Hollywood>华丽会场;也有较慢调的<Safe Ride>设下的震撼滂沱布置,传递感情上的坚强;首张专辑的青涩已不再适合这个逐渐上轨道也渐趋成熟的乐团,果然在音乐上的提升,在此新作中表露无遗,亦可以听出许多不同于以往的惊喜,这是今年你不能错过的年度乐团!

The emo-pop outfit Cute Is What We Aim For emerged from Buffalo, NY, in January 2005. Although originally formed as a quintet, the band ultimately stripped down to four members, with vocalist Shaant Hacikyan, guitarist/pianist Jeff Czum, drummer Tom Falcone, and bassist/guitarist Fred Cimato comprising the lineup. Wasting little time, the bandmates recorded a handful demos that landed them on Fueled by Ramen's roster before the year's end. Cute Is What We Aim For then hooked up with producer Matt Squire (Northstar, Panic at the Disco) for the group's debut full-length, The Same Old Blood Rush with a New Touch, which arrived in June 2006. The band hit the road in support of the album, sharing bills over the summer with such bands as Anberlin, Spitalfield, Forgive Durden, and June. That fall, bassist Cimato left the lineup to pursue academia, with Jack Marin (ex-October Fall) climbing aboard in his place. (Bass duties would eventually shift to Dave Melillo.) The band's second album, Rotation, was released in June 2008, and Cute Is What We Aim For returned to the road with replacement drummer Michael Lasaponara in tow.

Cute Is What We Aim For的吉他谱

Curse Of Curves
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Curse Of Curves
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GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 民谣吉他 贝司
Curse Of Curves
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Curse Of Curves
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Fourth Drink Instinct
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I Dont Care If Its The Moon
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Lyrical Lies Electric
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Sweet Talk 101
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The Fourth Drink Instinct
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Theres A Class For This
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GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓