Dead Kennedys
吉他谱: 63 粉丝: 5

The Dead Kennedys乐队是一班西海岸的异数徒,他们树立了一个"自我公正"的道德标准去抨击中产阶级与上层社会的价值观念。1980年,乐队在IRS公司发行了第一张专辑《Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables(新鲜水果送给腐烂的蔬菜)》,其中一首"Holidays In Cambodia(柬埔寨的假期)"标志了他们无比的成就。随后,The Dead Kennedys又推出了充满讽刺咒骂,甚至专横傲慢的《In God We Trust, Inc》,这张唱片将他们的斗争推到了"极限"的边界,直到1982年经过改良以后显出些许幽默感的《Plastic Surgery Disasters(塑料外科灾难)》才挽回了他们自己原已确立的声望。1981年,The Dead Kennedys成立了自己的唱片公司"另类触角",以此作为像SST一样的基层力量。

The Dead Kennedys merged revolutionary politics with hardcore punk music and, in the process, became one of the defining hardcore bands. Often, they were more notable for their politics than their music, but that was part of their impact. The Kennedys were more inspired by British punk and the fiery, revolutionary-implied politics of the Sex Pistols than the artier tendencies of New York punk rockers. Under the direction of lead vocalist Jello Biafra, the Dead Kennedys became the most political and — to the eyes of many observers, including Christians and right-wing politicians — the most dangerous band in hardcore. By the mid-80s, the band had become notorious enough to open themselves up to a prosecution for obscenity (concerning a poster inserted into their 1985 Frankenchrist album), and the ensuing court battle sped the band toward a breakup, but they left behind a legacy that influenced countless punk bands that followed.

The Dead Kennedys formed in 1978 in San Francisco when Biafra (vocals; born Eric Boucher) and bassist Klaus Flouride responded to a magazine ad placed by guitarist East Bay Ray. Drummer Ted (born Bruce Slesinger) joined soon after and the band played locally for the first two years of their career, occasionally venturing outside the Bay Area. Within a year, the band released their first independent single, California Über Alles, an attack on the then-current governor, Jerry Brown. It was followed shortly afterward by their second single, Holiday in Cambodia. In 1979, Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco; he finished fourth. By this time, the band had become quite popular in both the American and British underground. Finally, in 1980, the band released their debut album, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, on IRS Records. After its release, Ted left the band; he was replaced by drummer Darren H. Peligro.

Following the release of Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, the Dead Kennedys formed their own independent record label, Alternative Tentacles, in 1981. The first release on the label was the Kennedys EP, In God We Trust. That same year, the single Too Drunk to Fuck scraped the bottom of Britains pop Top 40, despite being banned from airplay. In 1982, the Kennedys released their second full-length album, Plastic Surgery Disasters. After its release, the band took a hiatus, during which bandmembers — most notably Klaus Flouride — performed with various side projects. During that time, Alternative Tentacles began to establish itself as a major force in the American underground.

The Dead Kennedys returned in 1985 with Frankenchrist, which was the record that earned the band its greatest notoriety. Included with the album was a poster of the Swiss artist H.R. Gigers Landscape #XX, a garish illustration of penises and anuses. A year after the release of the album, the Kennedys and Alternative Tentacles were prosecuted under revised Californian anti-obscenity laws for distributing pornography to minors because of the poster. For the next two years, the band was embroiled in a bitter legal battle, during which Biafra emerged as one of the most articulate advocates for free speech and vocal opponents of the PMRC. In the summer of 1987, the case ended with a hung jury and was dismissed.

Although the Dead Kennedys emerged victorious from the court battle, they didnt remain a band for much longer. Just before the prosecution began in 1986, the band released Bedtime for Democracy, which turned out to be their last official album. After the case was settled, the Kennedys split, releasing the posthumous compilation Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death in 1987. Biafra embarked on a solo career, releasing musical and spoken-word recordings sporadically over the next couple decades. Flouride returned to his fledgling solo career, releasing two albums in the late 80s and early 90s. The DVD format of Dmpos On Broadway, the Dead Kennedys June 1984 performance marking the closing of San Franciscos avant-garde theater and nightclub, was released in May 2000.

Dead Kennedys的吉他谱

GJY 1515 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
I Am The Owl
GJY 1314 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
I Fought The Law
GJY 1616 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Take This Job And Shove It
GJY 1414 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Chemical Warfare
上帝boy 1010 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Kepone Factory
上帝boy 1010 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Bleed For Me
千山渡 2323 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Trust Your Mechanic
爱好者772 2424 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Winnebago Warrior
爱好者772 1515 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Life Sentence
松下胖子 2020 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Do The Slag
心之绿 1414 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Your Emotions
心之绿 2222 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
California Uber Alles
无尽景枫 1368 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
Forest Fire
无尽景枫 1654 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Forward To Death
无尽景枫 1149 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Lie Detector
无尽景枫 1152 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Chicken Farm
bboyeastar 1279 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Government Flu
bboyeastar 1150 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
I Spy
bboyeastar 1903 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Funland At The Beach
Grevious 2105 1 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司