Don Henley
吉他谱: 6 粉丝: 1
    说到Don Henley(唐亨利)有些人或许会感到陌生, 但一提起他所属的乐团 The Eagles(老鹰合唱团)便不得不竖起大拇指啧啧称道这支美国流行乐坛最有创意也最成功的乐团之一。 而主唱Don Henley更是主导整个The Eagles音乐方向的重要舵手。

    50、60年代, 那许维尔的WLAC电台以清晰且多样化的音乐播放在气氛绝佳的夜晚一点一滴地传进Don Henley小小世界中。 而俄克拉荷马市KOMA电台以及知名主持人Wolfman Jack 每晚的深夜节目从德州墨西哥的边境传出,跨越600公里传入Henley小小的收音机里,每晚他都将收音机放在被单下面,贴紧着耳朵倾听直到凌晨时分。 后来猫王崛起并带来了Chuck Berry、Little Richard、Jerry Lee Lewis、Fats Domino、Bobby Freeman、Chuck Willis、Bobby Blue Bland等人的歌声,而接下The Beatles的出现则让Don Henley的生活从此改变。

    高中时代Henley与朋友Richard Bowden、Jerry Surratt共组了他的第一个乐团The Four Seeds(后来改名为Shiloh),成员还包括了Jim Ed Norman(两人在北德州大学认识, 目前是华纳唱片公司纳许维尔的总裁)。 1970年他们在独立唱片公司Amos旗下发行了第一张专辑,而1971年的秋天他们组成了The Eagles, 以融合乡村、民谣、节奏蓝调与流行乐带出独特且前卫的美国音乐风格。 在他们长达10年的演唱生涯中,全球唱片销售量不但超过一亿,他们还赢得了4座葛莱美奖、5次专辑榜冠军, 也是历史上第1个拥有两张全美销售量超过1000万张专辑的团体。

    其后Don Henley展开了个人演艺事业,成绩一样惊人。 1982年时推出的个人首张专辑《I Can`t Stand Still》以他在旋律上的天赋及歌词中所传递的热情信念、敏锐的社会政治观点, 使这张专辑成为当代最具代表性、最引人共鸣及最有音乐性的声音。 接下来于84年、89年推出的《Building The Perfect Beast》及《The End Of The Innocence》更让他拿下葛莱美奖最佳摇滚男艺人的奖项。可惜的是Don Henley自1989年后就暂停了所有的演唱活动, 并投身于环保工作当中。虽然在唱片公司缺席了将近10年之久,但是随着时间的历练Don Henley的音乐节奏、结构、情绪与内容方面更较以往平衡, 并以一贯的特色推出2000年最新专辑《Inside Job》。

    即使Don Henley目前忙于音乐事业中, 他还是投注另一半的心力在环保与其它慈善事业上,参与了众多的相关工程和活动。
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Out of all of the Eagles, Don Henley had the most successful solo career. After the group broke up in 1982, Henley released his first solo album, I Cant Stand Still. Although it wasnt as successful as an Eagles record, the album performed respectably, launching the number three single Dirty Laundry and going gold. Building the Perfect Beast followed two years later and established Henley as a solo star in his own right. Featuring the Top Ten hits Boys of Summer and All She Wants to Do Is Dance, as well as the Top 40 singles Not Enough Love in the World and Sunset Grill, the album sold over two million copies and stayed on the charts for over a year. Henleys third album, 1989s The End of the Innocence, was his most ambitious record yet, as well as his most commercially successful. The album sold over three million copies and stayed on the charts for nearly three years, launching the hit singles The End of the Innocence, Heart of the Matter, New York Minute, How Bad Do You Want It?, and The Last Worthless Evening. Henley reunited with the Eagles in 1994, embarking on a worldwide tour. The group released a live album culled from an appearance on MTV Unplugged called Hell Freezes Over; the record also featured a handful of new studio tracks. Hell Freezes Over was a major success, selling over five million copies by the summer of 1995. However, the group decided not to pursue any more projects together and Henley continued working on his fourth solo album, finally issued in mid-2000 under the title Inside Job.

Don Henley的吉他谱

Heart Of The Matter
六闲琴魔 2392 0 6
GTP谱 民谣吉他 古典吉他 贝司 鼓
The Boys of Summer
未识绮罗香 2011 0 7
GTP谱 贝司 电吉他 钢琴 鼓
Dirty Laundry
愤世俗流 2465 0 7
GTP谱 电吉他
Dirty Laundry
愤世俗流 3239 0 9
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
The Boys Of Summer
愤世俗流 2319 0 7
GTP谱 贝司 电吉他 鼓
The Last Worthless Evening
愤世俗流 1885 0 5
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓