Emilie Autumn
吉他谱: 8 粉丝: 1

Emilie Autumn出生于1979年9月22日,故乡是美国加利福尼亚州的Malibu,早在2岁时就已显露出自己的音乐天赋,Emilie的母亲是一位缝纫女工,而Emilie在学习字母表之前就会阅读曲谱,不得不让人佩服她的过人能力,4岁时,Emilie开始演奏小提琴,这对她今后的音乐风格起了决定性影响,在她的专辑中,你总会听到飘渺的提琴声和她喜爱的巴赫,她的童年是在欧洲和北美的音乐厅的演出中度过的,频繁的演出和辗转使她对正规教育产生了逆反心理,于是在她10岁时决定放弃学业进入著名的Colburn School of Performing Arts学习自己喜爱的音乐,在那里,她结识了著名小提琴家Nigel Kennedy并和他成了好友,在他的指导下,Emilie逐渐发展出自己即兴的钢琴和小提琴演奏风格,同时她也对文学,历史,中古音乐,文艺复兴以及巴洛克音乐产生了浓厚兴趣,并把它们用到自己的音乐创作中,后来Emilie进入印第安纳大学进修,在那里,她过人的天赋和独特的混合爵士,电子以及古典的风格引起了人们的重视,但学校却想把她培养成另一种人才,反叛的Emilie选择了退学。
  Emilie Autumn每出一张专辑都是我的最爱,06年带来了一张新曲精选集真是爱不释手,Emilie Autumn音乐非常广阔,与世界相通,因为音乐不光是娱乐,它表达生活,表达思想。在Emilie Autumn人生观中,我们可以领略到无限的想象和生活、人生多方位的体会。
  这张新曲精选集,绝大多数歌曲受到了各方面的好评,Emilie Autumn逐渐在缔造伟大和经典,专辑其结构整齐,音乐有条不紊、扎实有力,喷薄自己的声线收入自如,既有节制又不张狂,令人想起在这张新作中的Misery Loves Company、Dead Is The New Alive、Swallow等伟大的歌曲。
  这张是节奏缓慢,飘荡着激情的唱片,和她赖以成名的环境音乐差别很大,Emilie Autumn绝对是吸引最多歌迷的类型,在这张封面中我们就可以感受她的妖冶。
  Emilie Autumn的歌曲一直非常独特,在她的音乐中是非常纯粹的,如果你深受着她的音乐那一定会给她的那般高贵的品质所迷到,因为在她的歌声里有点复古成熟的风格使我们有着新鲜亲近感,所以每一张Emilie Autumn唱片都是不可或缺的。

Singer/songwriter and instrumentalist Emilie Autumn is an eccentric, musical marvel who's been shaping her style since the age of two. Born September 22, 1979 to a seamstress mother, Autumn started reading notes before learning the alphabet. By age four, she was playing the violin. Her young life was spent in concert halls across Europe and North America, but Autumn grew bored of formal education before her teenage years set in. She attended the well-respected Colburn School of Performing Arts by her 10th birthday and there, she befriended famed violinist Nigel Kennedy. Under his guidance, Autumn experimented with an improvisational playing style with her piano and violin. She also immersed herself in literature, history and art as well as medieval, renaissance and baroque music. Her unique approach in mixing jazz and electronics impressed Indiana University to offer her a spot in their prominent music program too, but her stay was brief. A vibrant and rebellious teenager, Autumn was experimenting with fashion and her choice of corsets and combat boots didn't over with university officials, so she left.

Alas, Autumn continued working. She was an ultimate overachiever - she scored a classical recording deal before she turned 21. She also formed the renaissance rock group, Ravensong. Ravensong played in and around Hollywood clubs during the late 1990s. During this time, Autumn developed into a cabaret singer of sorts while molding rock symphonies all her own. She issued a compilation of classical arrangements, On A Day: Music For Violin & Continuo in 1997 when she was only 17. Four years later, Autumn returned with the oddly beautiful Chambermaid EP. Her 2001 recording By the Sword appeared in 2002 as a charity single benefiting the events of 9/11. Her biggest moment came in mid-2002 when she released her debut studio full-length, Enchant.

Emilie Autumn的吉他谱

A Cure
3685058040 1584 0 2
Dead Is The New Alive
3685058040 1387 0 8
GTP谱 贝司 鼓 电吉他
Dead Is The New Alive
3685058040 1399 0 7
3685058040 1789 0 2
GTP谱 钢琴
3685058040 1083 0 4
GTP谱 钢琴
3685058040 1685 0 2
GTP谱 钢琴
3685058040 1077 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
3685058040 1690 0 7
GTP谱 钢琴 电吉他 鼓