Fatboy Slim
吉他谱: 6 粉丝: 1
除过人的音乐才华之外,FATBOY SLIM幽默风趣的个性,更深获媒体的喜爱,成为众多媒体及杂志追逐的对象。FATBOY SLIM已是流行排行指针,就连Madonna、Aerosmith等知名艺人都亲自找上门来,希望FATBOY SLIM能为他们制作混音单曲,不过FATBOY SLIM都以风格不同而婉拒。拜媒体之赐及消费者的口耳相传,FATBOY SLIM在台湾的知名度猛爆直上,不论是舞场、服饰店、广告、电视媒体,甚至是学校拉拉队,大家都指名「流线胖小子」!

本名Norman Cook的FATBOY SLIM,继上张专辑之后, 终于又于英国推出了一首新单曲「The Rockafeller Skank」,这张单曲对整个流行舞 曲市场造成有极大的轰动,接着没多久时间他立即又以「Fatboy Slim」的名字发行了一张 Non - Stop的连续混音专辑「On The Floor At The Boutique」,精彩的内容让许多舞曲创作者望尘莫及,收录有难得一见之单曲「Apache」、Jungle Brother的「Because I Got It Like That」、 DJ Tonka的「Phun - Ky」多首正点的单曲,数不繁举,在今年许多连续舞曲发行一支独秀,被评为最值的收藏的一张特辑;之后他又以迅雷不及掩耳的速度,在隔不到两个月时间内随即上市新单曲「Gangster Trippin`」,并且还一口气拿下全英排行冠军!接着98年8月全新专辑「You`ve Come A Long Way, Baby」的发行亦打入全英专辑榜第二名!一直到现在,这时后的Norman Cook「Fatboy Slim」的名声以经达到人气最旺的境界,简直可以用「红透半边天」来形容,不论于他个人的形像、作品,或是他所参与混音创作及他的DJ表演,所受欢迎的程度都是空前绝后的,许多欧洲的音乐媒体与权威杂志都将他视为报导的焦点。

至于为什么他要取这样的艺名叫自己Fatboy(胖子) Slim(瘦子),那是因为本人相当幽默的他看到以往乐坛上许多受人们敬重的蓝调大师名字后面都会加Slim(瘦子),所以他也要跟人家一样在名字后面加Slim,但偏偏这些大师们都胖的不得了,而Norman Cook本身却非常瘦,他自知比不上,所以索性干脆打肿脸充胖子就叫自己Fatboy(胖子) Slim。

Norman "Jack-of-All-Genres" Cook, in addition to his former occupations as bassist for the Housemartins and one-third of acid house hitmakers Pizzaman, is also the man behind one of the most popular of the new flock of English "Brit-hop" producers, Fatboy Slim. Releasing his Fatboy material through club staple Skint, Cook's raucous blend of house, acid, funk, hip-hop, electro, and techno has added to his already formidable reputation as one of the foremost all-around producers on the U.K. club scene.

Born Quentin Cook in Bromley on July 31, 1963, Cook joined the Hull-based pop group the Housemartins in 1986, replacing founding member Ted Key. After the group split the following year, Cook became involved with the burgeoning acid house scene, pairing with producers Tim Jeffrey and J.C. Reid toward the end of the decade to form Pizzaman. The trio nailed three Top 40 hits together ("Trippin' on Sunshine," "Sex on the Streets," and "Happiness") before Cook splintered off to record with similarly styled outfits Freak Power and Beats International in the early '90s.

He shut most of his other production activities down in the following years to focus on his latest incarnation, Fatboy Slim, which began with a trio of singles and the full-length Better Living Through Chemistry. Cook was also called in to add his remixing skills to Jean-Jacques Perrey's proto-electronica classic "Eva," released as a 12" and CD single in 1997. In addition to his FBS work, Cook also recorded the Skip to My Loops sample CD, a popular studio tool sporting a mélange of sample-ready drum loops, analog squelches, and assorted noises. In early 1998, his remix of Cornershop's "Brimful of Asha" spent several weeks at number one in the British charts.

Fatboy Slim's eagerly anticipated second LP, You've Come a Long Way, Baby, followed later that year. The album went platinum in the U.S. and spawned two international hits, "The Rockafeller Skank" and "Praise You," which also boasted a Spike Jonze-directed video that earned three MTV Video Music Awards as well as two Grammy nominations. "The Rockafeller Skank," "Praise You," and other songs from You've Come a Long Way, Baby ended up on countless soundtracks and commercials, cementing Fatboy Slim's unique position as a critically acclaimed and immensely popular act.

Cook also recorded several mix albums, including the first disc of the Radio 1 compilation Essential Selection, Vol. 1 and his own On the Floor at the Boutique. The latter was released domestically in the U.S. in early 2000 to help fans withstand the wait for his third album, Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars, which arrived that fall. Two mix albums — Live on Brighton Beach and Big Beach Boutique II — appeared in 2002. During 2003, Cook and his wife — popular British TV presenter Zöe Ball — separated for a brief period. They soon patched things up but the split was a heavy influence on 2004's Palookaville, the most laid-back and moody Fatboy Slim album yet. Collecting his singles along with a couple important remixes, The Greatest Hits: Why Try Harder appeared in 2006.

Fatboy Slim的吉他谱

Ya Mama (Push The Tempo)
武士K 2107 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Dub Be Good To Me
allentf 1542 0 6
Going Out Of My Head
allentf 1565 0 7
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 钢琴
Love Island
allentf 1560 0 5
Praise You
allentf 1882 0 7
GTP谱 钢琴 贝司 电吉他 鼓
Right Here Right Now
allentf 2142 0 8