Frank Mills
吉他谱: 2 粉丝: 1
Frank Mills1942年6月27号出生于加拿大魁北克的一个音乐家庭,是一位颇有成就的作曲家、钢琴家和指挥家。他的母亲本身就是钢琴师,父亲是个略通音律的商人。 Frank Mills 生来就有弹钢琴的天赋,三、四岁便时常在家族避暑别墅弹奏一些曲子。后来 Frank Mills 打算加入海军,在他入伍途中遇到了一个Mcgill大学音乐学院的朋友,劝他去参加音乐学院入试,结果 Frank Mills 的成绩名列前茅,从此迈向了后来的成功之路。 到了1971年,Frank Mills 在其音乐生涯中首次尝到了成功的滋味,当时作为 The Bells 乐团成员,以一首 《Stay Awhile》跃居美加两地排行榜冠军曲。离开乐团后Frank完成了首部畅销作品“;Love Me Love Me Love”;,在加拿大销售超十万。到了70年代末,与其签约的Polydor准备发行他五年前的旧专辑,他们选了两首在许多电台播出的单曲,“;The Poet And I”;和“;Music Box Dancer”;,由于觉得笫一首不合听众囗味,于是播出了第二首《Music Box Dancer》,于是在接下来的数年间,这张单曲风靡全球,销售数百万张,甚至在26个国家登上了排行榜冠军,极其罕见的是在日本一年内连续三次荣登排行榜冠军。 《Music box dancer》,使 Frank Mills 乐队从七十年代声名雀起,该曲于1980年获葛莱美奖。。 现由 Frank Mills 作曲及编曲的专辑有28张之多,并且创下20张金唱片及白金唱片的佳绩,同时屡得许多重量级音乐大奖。 Frank Mills 弗兰克·米尔斯 谈到他的音乐创作的时候说:“;那时候我正在思索一首曲子的标题。碰巧,6岁大的女儿南西拿着她的玩具音乐盒跑来找我,原来音乐盒里会跳舞的小娃娃已经脱落而且手臂也断了…;…;当我看到这个情形,还来不及安慰可爱的小女儿时,脑海里便浮现了一个灵感而大叫出来:‘就是这首曲子!就是《Music Box Daner》。’”;就是这首《Music Box Dancer》,让 Frank Mills 跃升为加拿大当代最最有成就、最成功的作曲家,而这些都是源自一间仓库里的小钢琴。
Canadian-born composer/pianist Frank Mills scored a minor U.S. hit in 1972 with "Love Me, Love Me Love." It wasn't until the release of "Music Box Dancer" and its subsequent success in 1979, that MIlls became more of a household name. Success was to be short-lived however, and it wasn't long before Mills was back to performing in his native Canada.

After studying music in Montreal, Mills joined the Bells in the late '60s. Although the Bells did perform some of his songs, Mills left for a solo career in 1972. Released in the same year he left the group, "Love Me, Love Me Love" was his first solo record. The single was a hit in Canada and made some headway in the U.S., reaching number 46. Although he followed the single with several minor hits in Canada, his audience continued to shrink and he was left without a record contract by 1974.

Undaunted, Mills recorded and released Music Box Dancer with his own money in the mid-'70s. In 1979, an executive at Polydor Records heard the record and believed that the title track had hit potential, so he persuaded the company to release the song as a single. "Music Box Dancer" was a surprise hit, climbing to number three on the American charts. Following the success of the single, the album was also re-released. Like the single, the album was also a hit, reaching number 21.

Mills released another album, Prelude to Romance, in the U.S. in 1981 and it was a minor hit. Nevertheless, the album wasn't big enough of a hit from him to keep his U.S. record contract and after its release, he was only left with a Canadian contract. Mills continued to record into the '90s. In the course of his career, he has released over ten albums.

Frank Mills的吉他谱

Music box dancer
waterforlich 6669 0 1
GTP谱 L-B-N 指弹 古典吉他
Music Box Dancer
anvyzhou 2365 0 2
GTP谱 钢琴