Gary Hoey
吉他谱: 9 粉丝: 2
Gary Hoey 可说是新一代的美国吉他英雄,1963 年 8 月 23 日他出生于美国麻赛秋瑟州 (Mass.),七岁开始学习吉他,高中时期为了摇滚乐的梦想放弃学业,游走全美各地的酒吧中,将自己所有的时间用于玩团和弹吉他,并前往东岸知名音乐学府-百克里音乐学院(Berklee)取经。'80 年代初期曾短暂担任 Ozzy Osbourne 客座吉他手,之后定居摇滚圣城-洛杉矶,与贝斯手 Rudy Sarzo (Quiet Riot、Whitesnake) 合组 Heavy Bones,'90 年代初期在西岸著名音乐学院MI担任GIT首席客座讲师,他以和蔼可亲、平易近人的教学方式赢得钗h学生的敬重,在课堂时 Gary 毫不保留的将他所学传授给每个学员,甚至把学生们当成自己的朋友。在舞台上他彷佛是魔术师,一把 21 格的 Fender Stratocaster 在他手上,可以当成二十四格琴使用,弹奏出千变万化的旋律,当今吉他界,无论是技巧或是实力,Gary 可说是顶尖的人物。

1990 年个人处女作 "Get A Grip" 发表,精湛的技巧弹出优美的音符。1993年第二张作品 "Animal Instinct",重新诠释荷兰前卫摇滚前辈 Focus 名曲 "Hocus Pocus" 。1994为电影 "The Endless Summer II" 编写原声带配乐。1996年第三张作品 "Bug Alley" 发表,将 Santana 名曲 "Black Magic Woman" 改编的别有一番风味。1998 年现场演出专辑 "Hocus Pocus Live",展现他惊人的即兴奶O,吉他鬼才 Jimi Hendrix 的 "Red House"、摇滚名曲 "Wipe Out",都被改编的更胜一筹。1999 年第五张专辑 "Money",重演 Pink Floyed 名曲 "Money",让人津津乐道。 "Ho! Ho! Hoey 1、2、3、Best、Complete" 这几张用吉他改编数十首古典名曲的耶诞专辑,为年终佳节添增不少欢乐的气氛。2004 年初发表的最新作品 "Wake Up Call" 内含 15 首乐曲,融合重金属、摇滚、蓝调等风格,速弹、点弦、游戏杆、扫弦各种高超技巧,在他灵巧活的十根手指下完美无暇的呈现出,Gray 的吉他奶O可说是到了炉火纯青的境界。

身为 Fender 吉他形象代言人,每年一月在洛杉矶举行的国际乐器大展 NAMM Show,Gary 固定受邀担任 Fender 现场示范演出大将,展现惊人的琴技,话说21世纪吉他英雄榜,大师 Gary Hoey 绝对是榜上的不二人选。

Just as alternative rock was signaling the death knell for many of the "guitar shredders' of the late '80s, a few instrumentalists were able to sneak in under the radar, such as Gary Hoey -- who attracted some attention via his 1993 debut, Animal Instinct. Hailing from Boston, MA, Hoey was first a music fan before picking up the guitar -- following such renowned rock bands that hailed from the area (Aerosmith, J. Geils Band, Boston, etc.). It wasn't long after that Hoey decided to give the guitar a try, initially inspired by the usual guitar greats (especially Jimi Hendrix, whom he dug initially because of his "cool clothes"). Hoey was not entirely self-taught, however, as he would often hang around outside of Boston's renowned Berkelee School of Music, make friends, and then offer to pay them for lessons. Sensing that he should devote all of his time to music, Hoey dropped out of high school and began playing Boston's local clubs, making ends meet by teaching guitar to others.

Hoey's big break appeared to come his way in 1982, when Ozzy Osbourne began looking for a replacement for his recently deceased guitarist, Randy Rhoads. Despite a series of auditions (including Hoey being asked to fly out to Los Angeles), Hoey failed to land the gig, but in the process, he decided to relocate permanently to the West Coast. Packing up all his belongings into a U-Haul, Hoey arrived with $17,000 in his pocket (saved from his playing and teaching gigs). Years later, Hoey eventually came to the attention of manager Dave Kaplan, who helped get the guitarist's career moving forward. Although it wasn't the best of times to launch a career for a "guitar hero" in 1993 (with Nirvana and Pearl Jam being all the rage), Hoey did just that and, surprisingly, scored a sizeable MTV/radio hit with his cover of the early-'70s prog rock gem "Hocus Pocus" by the Netherlands-based group Focus. The album it was taken from, the aforementioned Animal Instinct, also featured contributions from a few notable names of '80s hard rock -- bassist Tony Franklin (ex-Firm), keyboardist Claude Schnell (ex-Dio), and drummer Frankie Banali (ex-Quiet Riot).

Hoey never managed to scale the same heights commercially, but it didn't prevent him from carving a niche for himself, as his albums got progressively more surf-based and rootsy. A friendship with surf guitar great Dick Dale soon blossomed, with Dale going as far as declaring Hoey as one of his all-time favorite players, alongside the likes of Eric Clapton, B.B. King, and Andrés Segovia (in Guitar Player magazine), which led to the two working together. The two talented guitarists went toe to toe on a remake of "Miserlou" (titled "Miserlou '97") for the 1997 benefit album M.O.M., Vol. 2: Music for Our Mother Ocean, which also saw Hoey produce and play on another track for the collection, "V-12 Cadillac," by a then still unknown Jewel.

Hoey continues to issue solo albums on a regular basis (including a series of Christmas-themed releases), as well as being a regular guest on several nationally syndicated radio shows (Mancow, Mark & Brian, etc.). He also has worked with various musical instrument and electronics companies creating his own signature gear for retail. In 2006, Hoey released American Made on Surfdog Records.

by Greg Prato

Gary Hoey的吉他谱

Bug Alley
dengyuliang 1517 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
dengyuliang 1683 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
dengyuliang 1420 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Frosty The Snowman
dengyuliang 2049 0 6
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Gone Surfin
dengyuliang 2125 1 4
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Hocus Pocus
dengyuliang 2333 0 4
GTP谱 电吉他
dengyuliang 2545 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Rockin Around The Christmas Tree
dengyuliang 1655 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Wipe Out
dengyuliang 2145 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓