John Anderson
吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1

安得森在奥兰多的郊区阿勃卡(Apopka)长大,很小就受到会弹吉他的姐姐的影响。姐姐唐娜(Donna)不准他碰吉他,而7岁的约翰偷偷地拿起吉他自己学着弹。小约翰弹吉他长进很快,姐姐干脆把吉他给了他。到上8年级时,他已经组织了一个小小的乐队,叫做"野草种"(Weed Seeds),后来又改成"生之尽头"(Living End)一直到15岁约翰玩摇滚乐没有够。
有位叫劳伊·梯尔曼(Roy Tillma)的邻居热衷于古老的乡村音乐,他敬给约翰一些吉米·罗杰斯(Jimmie Rodgers)和德尔默兄弟(Delmore Brothers)唱的歌曲。安得森回忆说:"我就这样跟他学,我喜欢这样。我对乡村歌曲的爱好与日俱增,不久我就买了一把大吉他,学着用手指拨弹。"在1972年高中毕业后,安得森跟随姐姐一起来到的纳希维尔(Nashville),开始自己的音乐生涯。
因为还年轻,音乐城的名人们一时还不接纳安得森,他只得到工地上干活来养活自己。偶而也和姐姐表演个二重唱。因为在纳希维尔不顺利,他离开了那地方,短时间他曾在卡罗那多和德克萨斯州干活。后来他联络了一些有希望的歌曲作家和演唱家又回到了纳希维尔,这时他遇上了德尔萨兄弟中的阿尔顿·德尔默(Alton Delmore)的儿子利昂纳尔·德尔默(Lionel Delmore)。他们的合作使得约翰在1977年与华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)唱片公司签订了合同,出了他的头两首进入最流行40首排行榜的乡村歌曲:《栅栏尽头的小女孩》(The Girl at the End of the Bar)和《小犬布鲁斯》(Low Dog Blues)。
他的歌曲《1959》于1981年年末在排行傍上名列第7,到1984年成为最流行10首歌曲的榜首,这在当时深受流行音乐影响的乡村音乐领域中,一名较为传统的歌手获得如此殊荣是很不简单的。更多的歌曲记录下了安得森独特的歌唱风格,其中有:《我只是一块黑煤》(I'm Just An Old Chuck Of Coal),《小鸡卡车》(Chicken Truck)和《既疯狂又忧郁》。最后,这首歌获得1982年流行榜第一名。后来他和德尔默合写了80年代最值得纪念的歌曲之一,曲名《摇摆着》,这首歌名列排行榜榜首,售出100万张,获得乡村音乐协会的年度最佳个人奖。安得森说:"我们用了一年多的时间写这首歌。我们拆开地演唱以求更完美。我真不知道我们是否曾经想过不改动它,我想现在这无关紧要了。"
这个问题在1991年得到了回答。BNA娱乐公司需要一名男歌手,他们相信安得森能胜任。他们是对的。安得森唱的《纯净的龙舌兰之夜》(straight tequila night)又上了榜首,而《米诺尔之风》(Seminole Wind)则成为他的第一张白金唱片。这是一次令人震惊的东山再起,而且是在这样的背景下:年轻的乡村歌星已经象潮涌一般卷走了一些老歌手们。安得森说:"我试图唱一些年轻人能接受的乡村歌曲。我们也努力为我们的同龄人演唱。现在年轻人也接受乡村歌曲了。我希望人们把我当作真正地永远对音乐忠诚的一名艺术家记在心头。"

Neo-honky tonker John Anderson was born in Apopka, FL, in 1955 and grew up listening to rock & roll, until he discovered country music at age 15 through Merle Haggard. He moved to Nashville in the early 70s, showing up at his sisters house with no warning, and worked a variety of odd jobs (including one as a roofer for the Grand Ole Opry) while playing clubs at night. Eventually, all the hard work paid off with a contract for Warner Bros., and Anderson released his first single in 1978. His self-titled debut album appeared in 1980 and helped signal the rise of the new traditionalist movement, drawing critical praise as well. Soon the hits started to pile up: 1959 and Chicken Truck became his first country Top Tens in 1981, and Im Just an Old Chunk of Coal (But Im Gonna Be a Diamond Someday) went Top Five later that year. 1982s Wild and Blue was Andersons first chart-topper, and he duplicated that feat twice in 1983 with Black Sheep and the million-selling Swingin, the latter of which was the biggest-selling country single in Warner Bros. history. Anderson returned to the Top Ten several times over the next few years, most notably with 1984s She Sure Got Away with My Heart, but by 1987 his commercial momentum had stalled, and he and Warner parted ways.Anderson continued to record steadily and mounted a major comeback in the early 90s, starting with 1992s Seminole Wind. Its title track went to number two, and the follow-up, Straight Tequila Night, went all the way to number one; When It Comes to You also made the Top Five. Anderson scored another number one in 1993 with Money in the Bank and hit the Top Five three times over 1994-1995 with I Wish I Could Have Been There, Ive Got It Made, and Bend Until It Breaks. Though he hasnt been back since, Andersons albums and singles continue to make the lower reaches of the country charts — evidence of a still-solid fan base. What was termed a comeback album of sorts, Easy Money, produced by John Rich of Big & Rich fame, appeared in 2007.

John Anderson的吉他谱

Ive Seen Good People
181113426 676 0 1
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