Julie London原名Julie Peek,是50年代到60年代初期顶尖的女歌手之一。她1955年发行的一支《Cry Me A River》(泪流成河)是她最成功的,也是她本人的标志性歌曲。 Julie London1926年9月26日出生于加州的Santa Rosa,1941年移居洛杉矶。当年她在一家百货公司开电梯,后来步入电影界,在电影‘A Question of Adultery’,‘task Force’,‘The Fat Man’中任主要角色。1954年她遇到爵士男歌手兼歌曲作者Bobby Troup。在他的指导下,1955年她认真地步入歌坛。先是在洛杉矶881俱乐部作签约歌手,并和Liberty唱片公司合作出了一张名为‘Julie Is Her Name’,含有歌曲《Cry Me A River》的专辑,这张专辑加上单曲唱片销售了300多万张,单曲唱片在排行榜上停留了13周,33转唱片则停留了20周。1955 、1956、1957、3个年度中她名列最佳女歌手。她与Liberty公司共出了4张专辑。 Julie的歌喉被人们描述为激情、性感、亲切、有呼吸音,温暖、难以忘怀,沙哑,低沉,忧郁。她自己在1957年的生活杂志中说:“;我认为我的音量不大,只能矮话筒很近地唱歌,这就变得很有磁性”;。在她演唱生涯飞黄腾达时,她的从影生涯跟着死灰复燃。1956年她在电影‘The Great Man’中饰演一纵酒歌手,之后又拍了‘Man Of The West’,‘Voice In The Mirror’,‘The Wonderful Country’,‘The George Raft Story’,‘The Third Voice’等影片。在‘Voice In The Mirror’这部电影中,她还为影片写了主题音乐。她在电视节目中也以歌手或演员的身份频繁出现。1971年她(和Bobby Troup)在电视剧‘Emergency’中饰演护士Dixie McCall,是她最称着的演出之一。之后,她演了她最后的一部电影‘Survival On Charter #200’后,便从演艺界退休了。
by Alex Henderson
A sultry, smoky-voiced master of understatement, Julie London enjoyed considerable popularity during the cool era of the 1950s. London never had the range of Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughan, but often used restraint, softness, and subtlety to maximum advantage. An actress as well as a singer, London played with heavyweights like Gregory Peck and Rock Hudson in various films, and was married to Jack Webb of Dragnet fame for seven years before marrying songwriter Bobby Troup ("Route 66"). London performed her biggest hit, "Cry Me a River," in the Jayne Mansfield film The Girl Can't Help It. After recording her last album, Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, in 1969, she continued to act -- playing a nurse on the NBC medical drama Emergency from 1974-1978. Despite her "sex symbol" image -- London was known for her sexy LP covers, which make them collector's items -- she was surprisingly shy, and left show biz altogether in the late '70s. In the mid-'90s London suffered a stroke, which led to a half-decade of poor health and ultimately contributed to her death on October 18, 2000.