吉他谱: 2 粉丝: 1


喜多郎生于一九五三年日本爱知县丰桥的农家,高中时自学吉他并和朋友组成「信天翁」(Albatross)乐团,在派对即俱乐部表演。而后加入宫下富实夫创办的「Far East Family Band 」在世界各地在世界各地巡回演出。一九七二年在德国遇见「Tangerine Dream」的 Klaus Schulze 而感受到电子合成器的魔力。一九七六年乐团解散(一说为一九七八年),喜多郎到印度、尼泊尔、寮国、泰国、中国及其他一些亚洲国家长期旅行,他曾说:「My own peace comes from the realization that I am the equal of the beggar on the street of Calcutta.」

一九八七年第一张专辑发行, 一九八零年为NHK制作丝绸之路的配乐。 一九八四年和日本山口组老大的女儿由伎结婚,当时很多人认为和有黑道背景的人结婚是不智的选择,但喜多郎说:「只是由伎的父亲是黑道,由伎不是,而我只是个音乐人。」他们的儿子龙之介在八五年出生。几年后他们离婚了,喜多郎对记者说:「没有什么特别的原因,只是因为我在美国长期工作而由伎在日本工作,渐渐见面少了也就渐渐淡了。我们还是好朋友。」喜多郎的第二任太太是Keiko,九八世界巡回音乐会酜eiko有同台演出键盘,现在喜多郎有两个孩子。

一九八零年喜多郎与美国Geffen Records签约,(他现在的唱片公司是Domo Records),喜多郎的专辑正式进军美国。而喜多郎的音乐被归类为「新世纪」,喜多郎本人则比较喜欢称自己的音乐为「灵性」的,他认为他的音乐感情人性因素重于新世纪音乐强调的技术层面。他说:「Feeling is the most important element in my music.」

一九八九年,喜多郎搬到美国科罗拉多洛基山上,Boulder附近一个叫做Ward的地方,后来山上建了一个录音室,名为「Mochi House」(Mochi这个字在日文意即「饼」)。

九三年及九七年,在 Randy Miller 的帮助下,喜多郎完成了两张原声带,「天地」和「宋家皇朝」。前者获得金球奖最佳电影配乐,后者则赢得台湾金马奖和香港金像奖。在喜多郎的音乐生涯中,共被葛莱美奖提名五次之多。从未接受过音乐方面的教育,甚至看不懂五线谱的喜多郎,从前用他自己的方式记录音乐(有点类似图画),现在是否还是如此我不知道,但他的确是个多才多艺的音乐家,除了演奏吉他、贝斯、键盘、箫、太鼓及许多其他的乐器之外,他还作曲、编曲、制作。这次来台湾他也兼任音乐总监,连灯光也会三上一脚。除此之外,他还会摄影,新作Gaia的封面就是他在科罗拉多的家外面拍摄的照片,他在科罗拉多的房子也是由他本人设计的。还能说什么呢?他实在是个天生的艺术家。


除了对音乐的天分及制作的用心投入之外,喜多郎身上还有很多值得学习的地方,越是了解他就会越欣赏他,喜多郎的人生哲学就在他的音乐之中,他说过:「 As long as people feel somthing from my music and it influences them in a good way, that’s all matters to me. 」、「I know music can change someone else because it changes my own. 」

Kitaro's style is the epitome of the contemplative, highly melodic synthesizer music often associated with the new-age movement. Interestingly enough, this famous Japanese composer taught himself to play electric guitar in high school — inspired by the R&B music of Otis Redding. In the early '70s, Kitaro formed the Far East Family Band, which released two albums of progressive rock. In 1972, however, he met the innovative German synthesist Klaus Schulze during a trip to Europe. Kitaro was hooked. He built his first synthesizer and began experimenting with all kinds of unusual sounds. His first solo album, Astral Voyage, appeared in 1978 and quickly gained a cult following. Two years later, he produced the first of several soundtracks for Silk Road, a Japanese television documentary series that ran for five years. Several albums of music from Silk Road were released to a growing international contingent of fans who admired his combination of lush, majestic textures and gentle, almost naive, melodies. Kitaro, however, was still considered an underground artist in America until he signed with Geffen Records in 1986, which re-released seven of his earlier albums and gave him the support to expand his scope in many ways. For instance, after years of creating albums in the privacy of his home studio near Japan's Mt. Fuji, Kitaro produced his 1987 release, The Light of the Spirit, with the help of Mickey Hart. The album featured an array of American musicians and was nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best New-Age Performance category. That same year, Kitaro also made his first live tour of North America and sold two million albums in the U.S. alone. Kitaro's style had changed as well, becoming more theatrical and assertive while retaining a certain level of innocence and purity. His more recent recordings also show a renewed interest in the rock and pop elements that originally attracted him to music in the late '60s; in 1998, he also released the soundtrack to Cirque Ingenieux, a production bound for the Broadway stage. Thinking of You followed a year later; Ancient appeared in spring 2001. It was well received, leading to a sequel of sorts in the like-minded Ancient Journey in 2002. His contributions on the soundtrack to the controversial Chinese drama The Soong Sisters came out the same year, as did a live album and DVD.


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