Landon Pigg出生于1983年8月6日,是一位来自美国田纳西州Nashville的歌手兼作曲人。
Landon Pigg出生于田纳西州的Nashville。他的父亲是录音实的老手,其母热爱诗歌。当Pigg还是个孩子的时候,他的父母把家搬到了伊力诺依周的芝加哥市的一个小区,并且在父亲的指导下,他与自己的两个兄弟姐妹Cari Ann和Gabirel开始合唱一些广告歌曲。他们都曾在伊利诺伊州River Forest的Grace Lutheran学校上学。Landon在10几岁的时候回到了Nashville并且学习代数及化学相关的课程。他参加了田纳西Nashville的基督长老会学院。在他的青春期过程中,Landon的父亲一直给予他非正式的音乐教育并且培养了他对音乐的爱好。他的母亲同样培养了Landon诗情的一面。
在他的一首歌曲被电视剧实习医生格蕾所选中并且后来进行了全国播出后,Pigg在2006年夏天开始了自己的巡回宣传。他曾经参加了Conan O'Brien的Late Night,Carson Daly的Last Call以及其他媒介包括出现在杂志Teen Vogue,Glamour以及Performing Songwriter上。在8月下旬,Landon与他的乐队出现在The Early Show并且表演了他最新专辑的第一首歌曲'Can't Let Go'。
2007年2月14日,Landon的歌曲'Great Companion'在电视剧One Tree Hill的一集(Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers)中作为背景音乐在不同的场景中播出。
2008年2月26日,Landon作为邀请嘉宾在Gavin Degraw的演唱会上进行了08年的第一次公开表演。
2009年9月22日,Landon在Late Night with Jimmy Fallon上进行表演。
在2007年,Landon的歌曲'Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop'被选作De Beers的广告曲目。该曲目同样被选作AT&T电话公司2009年6月的广告曲目。
Landon将会在Drew Barrymore的滚轴德比电影'Whip It!'中出演。该电影是根据Shauna Cross的小说'Derby Girl'改编,将于2009年上映。
Landon Pigg将会在电影Whip It!中首次触电,这也是Drew Barrymore第一次作为导演来参加电影的制作,该电影预计在2009年10月2日上映。在影片中,London扮演了一个'大城市中的音乐家',并且浪漫的与女主角展开一段恋情。该影片的女主角是来自电影Juno的Ellen Page并且在影片中Landon代表了女主角要克服的种种挑战之一。其他演员包括Marcia Gay Harden,Juliette Lewis和Jimmy Fallon。
Indie pop/rocker Landon Pigg received his informal musical education via his father's record collection. His first CD ever owned was by popular novelty artist Ray Stevens. Born in Nashville on August 6, 1983, Pigg was the son of a studio musician father and a mother who was fond of poetry. The family moved to Chicago briefly when Pigg was a child, though he returned to Nashville as a teenager. Soon, Pigg started to delve deeper into music, discovering the artists who eventually inspired his own music. He credits David Mead and Rufus Wainwright for instilling in him an appreciation for a beautiful melody, Radiohead for encouraging him to expel his emotions into his songwriting; and rock music icons the Beatles and Led Zeppelin for exhibiting to him the importance of catchy licks and hooks. Says Pigg: "Maybe there is a naïveté in my approach. I never had a guitar lesson when I started out. I've always felt that when you don't learn all the rules you're much more inclined to break them with a smile." For his self-titled debut, released in 2006, Pigg was guided by producers Dan Brodbeck, Paul Ebersold, and Clif Magness, who worked with such popular artists as 3 Doors Down and Avril Lavigne.