消失已久的纯女子乐团,带著正宗Girl Power的势力,准备向男性统治已久的摇滚乐坛立下战帖一较高下!坚决不走偶像路线与包装,完全释放彼此创作才华及演奏功力的Lillix,是来自加拿大美丽且深具自信的Tasha-Ray Evin(主唱/吉他手)、Lacey-Lee Evin(键盘手)金发亲姊妹与Louise Burns(贝斯手)、Kim Urhahn(鼓手)四位妹妹所组成。年幼时Evin姊妹就常在家中地下室敲敲打打,搭上同班死党Louise,三人以Tigerlily之名开始四处走唱并录制DEMO带,很快DEMO带在加拿大与美国几间公司辗转流动下,最后入主Maverick,团名也由Tigerlily正式改为Lillix。接踵而来的巡回表演热身,让Lillix决定为乐团再添新成员,丰富其音乐性,更有摇滚乐团的轮廓,鼓手Kim Urhahn就在这时,才后续加入!
by Johnny Loftus
Lillix was a pop/rock combo featuring guitarist Tasha-Ray Evin, older sister and keyboardist Lacey-Lee Evin, bassist Louise Burns, and drummer Kim Urhahn. While they were barely teenagers, the Evin sisters picked up instruments in the basement of their family home in rural Cranbook, British Columbia. With the enlistment of school pal Burns as bassist and additional vocalist, the band was officially on its way and was soon gigging throughout Cranbrook under the name Tigerlily. A rough demo found its way to Vancouver entertainment attorney Jonathan Simkin, who quickly recognized the band's potential and used industry contacts to tidy up the demo recording and shop it to Canadian and American labels. Maverick quickly bit, signing the combo in January 2001 after a showcase in label head Guy Oseary's L.A. office.
With the Maverick deal in place, Tigerlily became Lillix, and the band's repertoire was fleshed out with the help of some industry pros. More showcases followed, drummer Urhahn was hired, and soon Lillix was recording their debut with a revolving door of producers and co-songwriters. Label shakeups and image workups led to Falling Uphill's two-year gestation; however, it was finally released in spring 2003. The album included contributions from red-hot producers and writers the Matrix (Avril Lavigne), Linda Perry (Pink), and Glen Ballard (Alanis Morissette). Lillix's bouncy cover of the Romantics' "What I Like About You" was tapped as the theme to a WB sitcom of the same name; the group further supported their album with a tour of malls and summer radio festivals. Their second album, Inside the Hollow, which is slated for 2007, featured new drummer Alicia Warrington. Lillix also worked with producers James Michael and Jeff Saltzman, who brought a similar new wave-meets-modern-rock sheen to Inside the Hollow as he brought to the Killers' Hot Fuss.