Michael Montes
吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1
Michael Montes began teaching himself to play the piano at age seven and later dropped out of medical school in order to pursue composition as his life's work.

As a child his first film music experience occurred while watching the Jules Verne classic Mysterious Island. Years later he discovered that Bernard Herrmann had composed the score.

Later on, Pink Floyd became an influence, specifically their innovative production techniques and use of psychedelic textures.

While studying at Bard College he joined the chamber choir that specialized in the works of Renaissance composer Josquin DePrez. Here he began to gain a much deeper understanding of contrapuntal technique and absolute pitch.

After school he steeped himself in the world of Brian Eno, tape loops and musique concréte while working with modern dance troupe Floorplay.

Michael Montes的吉他谱

Journey Canon Rebel Xsi Commercial Song
anvyzhou 1053 0 2
GTP谱 钢琴